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Co-worker practices Voodoo and evil eye Mary Sunday, September 15, 2013


Hello and God bless,

I found out recently that a co-worker (not a nice person) practices Voodoo (she told me) and previously she had threatened me at work by telling me that I had "better watch out" and that she "would make it difficult for me to work there" and that I would not be OK. (She knows I am Christian, and well liked by others). I told her I would be just fine, and told her not to speak to me like that. I reported her threat to my manager but nothing really has been done. Another co-worker practices Wicca, and most of the other ladies I have no idea but they are nasty women (not all - there are a couple who are "nice"). I am surrounded by "evilness", and can feel its oppression.

I believe in God and His ultimate protection (and have Holy Water which, when I can, I sprinkle around, as well as bless myself, and have said the Hedge prayers and the others found on this site).

Just recently this "voodoo" lady said to another co-worker and me, "Whose eyes do you think these are?" and showed us a photo , via her cell phone, of upper face which showed close up of eyes. Both the co-worker and I were rather baffled as it clearly was her eyes! And we said so. She "innocently" said to us, that even her daughter did not recognize her eyes in that photo and wanted to see if we did.

In lieu of knowing that she practices Voodoo, I immediately became suspicious and thought that perhaps she is trying to put an evil-eye spell upon us. I kept this to myself and only told my family but have been praying those prayers.

1) Do you think this is what she was trying to do/cast?

Those women have been "attacking" me and the only other nice lady there, by doing nasty things. I have documented all their shenanigans and reported to my manager but he just says he will speak with them, (I have not mentioned about the voodoo or anything "religion" based). Just "work" facts. One lady even used my name while on the phones when I was on holiday and pretended to be me. I have a very good reputation with courtesy and kindness (has been reported to my manager more than once!) and this other woman (not voodoo lady but another co-worker) has a bad reputation. She hangs up on them and is very rude and has been reported yet she has not been fired. When I was told about this incident, I immediately went to my mgr and he was already told about it, yet this vile woman still has her job. I just don't understand it.

I am now looking for another job as I do not want to work in a den of witches where their evil acts seem to be "protected". Why would this manager not do anything?

2) Could it be that this place is just rife with evil and what is the purpose of the Evil Eye and could it potentially "harm"?

Thank you and God bless,


Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r), CCL, LTh, DD, LNDC

Dear Mary:

i am sorry to hear that you work in such hostile conditions. Given that you are working in a "den of witches" I certainly advise that you try to find another job.

In the meantime, try to avoid these people as best you can. If she asks you to look at a picture, or to engage her in other such things, politely decline. Keep your relationship with them professional as best you can.

The Hedge Prayers are good to say, but also be sure to pray the Breaking Curses and Spells each day when you get home from work.

As to why your employer does nothing about this, I have no idea. Perhaps the employer does not care, or does not have a backbone to confront the situation, or perhaps is scared of these witches.

An evil eye is a form of spell in which the person intends harm to another and is invoked by looking at the victim person. Actual spells invoked by and "evil eye" are very difficult to know the origin in most cases since the spell is cast through the sense of sight. The response from the victim is the same whether the spell is of the more usual kind or by evil eye. That response is to receive our Lord in the Eucharist, prayer your favorite devotional prayer, such as a Rosary, petition one of the patron Saints of spiritual warfare, linked below, and pray the Prayer to Break Curses and Spells in our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog, also linked below.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary 

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