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Person obsessed and repeatedly causing my family harm Dian Tuesday, October 15, 2013


First I want to say I believe this person is in spiritual crisis, is not a believer in Christ, has and maybe still does practice occult divination and is fixated on me and my family.

This person a few years ago came after me and one of my family with one accusation after another, using court system, causing us to drive 6 hrs one way each of the 7-8 times to appear in court. We simply defended ourselves each time and basically fought the good fight and did not retaliate with suing or accusations.

this person has some ability to get others to bind to their cause and be witnesses- almost in an erie way-to do their bidding. they do this- and perhaps she pays them. After 2 yrs, and giving this person what they wanted, they went away. Now, two years later it has started again.

I am exhausted with all of it, confounded how others seem to be under this persons spell. I pray for this person to be spiritually delivered and to find peace. There is and was some concern about the increasing physical confrontations, always taking place out of view from others. I truly believe this person been overtaken with evil spirits and where they want to bring it into the legal system, I see it as a spiritual battle of some kind, not a legal one.

There is really no way for me to describe this without sounding a little "out there" but I am trying to convey what I believe is occurring is of a spiritual evil power and not a secular worldly thing although most of the battles are occurring in the world of the legal system with the remainder occurring outside. this is a person who will shout "help, they are after me, or my things" one minute and the next, wait until no witnesses are present and run you off the road with their car. any police protection has been denied us which is another perplexing thing but is offered this person. is everyone under the power of the evil one if they are not in Christ??

I also want to add it was during the first 2 yr session that I had a conversion to Christ and then returned to Catholic Church about 5 months ago. I did, but not other family.

(Unfortunately) I understand the legal system and am not seeking legal advice, rather I believe this is a evil spirit thing and I am seeking some direction on how to understand the spiritual demonic ? do you think this is what it is we are facing? and how do you pray, or can you, someone elses deliverance? should I be praying protection over their house?
I do pray St Michael, say rosary in their house, sprinkle Holy Water sometimes. should we ask priest to come bless the house to protect members and a baby there? if so please pray I can convince family- who have not fully converted to Christ- they may need this protection. I keep praying for wisdom to understand why they are fixated on causing harm to us. Thank you for any insight as to what we are dealing with, if I am clear in the understanding I have shared, and remedies I may employ. Thank you and God Bless your ministry.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r), CCL, LTh, DD, LNDC

Dear Dian:

Sorry to hear about all these troubles. If there is a spiritual element in all this, your response must be spiritual warfare prayer — prayers of protection for yourself and prayers on behalf of the perpetrator. 

You will find these sorts of prayers in our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog, linked below. The Catalog contains prayers of protection, prayer to break spells and curses, and prayer for other people, such as a Proxy deliverance prayer.

Keep in mind that praying for other people does not guarantee that those people will change. God does not force Himself upon anyone. Our prayers, however, may soften the hardness of those people's heart, or pave the way for the Holy Spirit to persuade them to repent — but that is never guaranteed because the person must freely choose God, or not, as they wish.

You cannot enter their house uninvited. That is a crime. Neither can a priest come and bless the house of someone who does not wish it. There are no magic formulas to resolve this. You need to keep your distance.

As to why these people are fixated on you may never be known. In general, you could be targeted by the devil because of your return to the Catholic Church. The devil hates when people do that and will sometimes harass them in revenge. The form of that harassment can be spiritual or can be done by inspiring other people to harass you.

Your focus needs to be on what to do now. That focus needs to be on prayer for yourself and for your enemies.

We will be praying for you.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary 

For information on how to receive help see our Help page. We suggest that before contacting us directly for help you try the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance. These self-help steps will often resolve the problem. Also our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog contains many prayers that may be helpful. If needed you can ask for a Personal Consultation.