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Imprecatory Psalms and Curses Crystal Friday, October 25, 2013


Dear Brother,

I love this site and enjoy reading your responses. I was reading a post where you mentioned Imprecatory Psalms. Can a person read these psalms such as Psalm 7, 35, and more to rebuke a curse or as a form of protection or do they have to be read only by a member of the clergy? I'm a little confused as I have read many of these psalms and want to know if I should continue or should not read them any longer.

Also you have answered many questions about curses, but I'm curious to know if a person can curse someone without a specific item. For example, I know a person can give someone the "evil eye" and Generational Curses are through someone's bloodline, however if they wanted to put a curse on an individual; would they need a personal item or and individual's full name to do so?

In regards to Psalms, what psalms would you recommend to read on a daily basis, as I really enjoy reading my bible and especially psalms.

If you could give me some insight into this, I would really appreciate.

Thank you,
God Bless,

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r), CCL, LTh, DD, LNDC

Dear Crystal:

The imprecatory Psalms are in the Bible. You can read anything in the Bible. You can use any verse and make it a prayer. What we cannot do is to use imprecatory prayers specifically and directly against demons.

Most curses are made by words, not with an item. When some cursed item is involved, it is called a hex. Curses do not require any personal item or such, though many people who cast curses will seek such item. It depends on the tradition of the occultist.

As for daily reading of the Psalms, read and meditate on Psalms 23. Also read whatever Psalms you like. You can find lists on the Internet that recommends a particular Psalm that corresponds to a particular problem.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


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