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Is living situation opening doors to demonic Christine Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Dear Br. Ignatius,

I am 50 years old and disabled with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and receive Social Security Disability income. My illness led me to move in with my mom. We are both practicing Roman Catholics. When I moved in my mom said she wanted the house to be a place of truth and light, and I agree.

Recently my older brother, who is a serious alcoholic, moved in. He does not work. His contribution is to do some work around the house. He is being treated for prostrate cancer, which is in remission. He is drunk every day, and has made friends with a neighbor who also doesn't work and is a heavy drinker. This guy has problems at home, so he is at our house every morning and evening.

I truly believe that I have been graced by God through the intercession of Bl Matt Talbot and St Kolbe and all the saints because I am no longer so furious with my brother that I can't look at him. However, I am still very uncomfortable with this situation. My brother has said that he will not stop drinking. He also smokes pot, and does who knows what else.

My mom says that as long as their behavior doesn't get out of hand it's okay for this guy to come over and for my brother to live with us. I am concerned that this is opening doors to the demonic. Well, I am pretty sure that it is. Do you think it is? Would it be unchristian to ask my brother to leave knowing that he has no place else to go? Can a home be a place of truth and light when there is manipulative and deceitful behavior going on?

Thank you and God bless you.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r), CCL, LTh, DD, LNDC

Dear Christine:

Anyone who abuses alcohol and drugs is likely also carrying demonic hitchhikers—the two kind of go together. I think that your mother allowing your brother to live in the house is enabling his destructive behavior. She does him no favors by enabling him like this. In fact, she is guaranteeing that your brother will never change his ways.

In my opinion, your brother should be given an ultimatum — either enter rehab and stop drinking, taking drugs, and hanging around people who do that sort of thing, or leave the house.

There is no way the house can be a place of truth and light when someone like this, with all the destructive behavior, is allowed to live there.

I know it is hard, but the best thing for your brother is the ultimatum. To not give him this ultimatum is to endorse his dysfunctional behavior.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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