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Spiritism and demons follow-up questions Tim Sunday, March 30, 2014


Dear Brother,

Praise the Lord! All our prayers are working. After my friend with the drug addiction finished his verbal lashing with me, something amazing happened.

In spite of the supposedly great, peaceful treatment he got from the spiritists, that he accused me of ruining, the demon returned the next morning, tapping him on the leg and manifesting itself at first like the friend with whom he was staying but taunted him without words as if to say, "BOO! Still here!"

That morning, he began to PRAY for the first time in 20 years! He was raised in a dysfunctional Baptist home, with family members who were either Catholic or into macumba. He turned on the Catholic network "Canção Nova" and began to listen intently, almost mesmerized, to a Catholic priest preaching about suffering. He grabbed a Bible and began to read the Scriptures referenced as well as Psalms and prayed in front of my friend's statue of Jesus and the Sacred Heart.

He told me about the experience with the spiritists. They believe the demon is a "lost soul" that needs to be helped, blah, blah, to evolve, and their female "medium" tried to "incarnate" the entity but it wouldn't stay in, supposedly too weak to be channeled by the medium. Well, it is a fifth-rate demon at any rate.

Now my question:

I believe the "medium" really could "channel" if the demon desired it -- meaning, I believe it is possible the demon would speak through her in order to deceive everyone as she is a willing (and gullible) recipient with a captive audience. But was the demon "weakened" -- by our intercessory prayers against it and the spiritists? Or maybe because by its nature was it really too "weak" to do such a thing as possess her so to speak?

Well, since my friend noticed that the "peace" didn't last and the demon was still hanging around, he was moved as he was to turn to the Bible. He told me that while he believes they helped him get on track with their loving welcome and by telling him to pray and have FAITH, he doesn't believe in their teachings. He is following their "dietary requirements" for spiritual cleansing -- can't eat pork or red meat, nor any food or drink that is black in color. UGH! But he is doing this he explained as we Catholics fast, as spiritual discipline, not because he thinks black food is evil! He finds that ridiculous. He thanks them for their good will to help him find faith but won't be returning there.

I saw him today and he was very tired but well. He just doesn't stop praying and reading the Bible, kneeling before the statue of Jesus. He realizes now that what I have told him for years is what he needs -- baby steps of faith, without worrying about theology, he needs to get right with GOD. "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom."

The very fact he has taken this leap of faith is miraculous. He finally realized maybe he was only still alive because of that "Jesus" and that "cross" after all.

Thanks for your prayers and God bless,

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r), CCL, LTh, DD, LNDC

Dear Tim:

Praise God for this transformation. But, he is not out of the woods yet. Demons will try to ruin is new found faith. He must never let his guard down, always persevere even in the face of intense harassment, and keep his eyes on Jesus and not on the storms (demonic harassments, life's troubles, etc.) around him. 

As to your question: First thing I noticed in your narrative is that you refer to this demon as 5th rate. You do not know that. I would advise you to not make such assessments as you are not qualified to do so. Do not underestimate the power and cunning of these demons.  Your friend needs to be on guard as if this is a general demon (although we do not know that either at this time). To underestimate our enemy is to be vulnerable to him. 

As for this medium: Most "channelers" are fakes, that is, they are deliberately faking it, or it is psychologically produced. In other cases the medium is channeling demons disguised as whatever person the medium thinks it is. 

The medium's assessment that this demon was too weak is an incompetent assessment. You must remember that such persons do not have a worldview of the True God and thus do not assess things according to any genuine theology of angels and demons. There is no such thing as a demon too weak to possess. If this demon did not do what she wanted it to do it is because the demon did not wish to do it.

With that said, if you were praying for this medium it is possible that her "powers" (abilities) were weakened and/or her guardian angel was running interference with this demon. The demon can be thwarted in this way, but his relative "strength" (whatever it is) remains.

It is true, however, that some demons are stronger than others, but demons do not really "become" weak. Their strength is their strength. The idea of losing strength, becoming weak, is something that is a phenomenon of the material world (this world of biological bodies that can be weakened). Demons are in the spiritual world thus such terminology does not apply. Demons can, however, be thwarted, blocked, interfered with, cast out, worn down (as in giving up in the face of a constant barrage of prayer), etc. This is because the power of God is infinitely more powerful than even the strongest demon, or even that of Satan himself. Look at this like an arm wrestling contest. The loser still has the strength he had before the contest, but his opponent was stronger. God is always stronger.

When demons do not leave right away the primary causes are:

  1. doing something to allow the demons to hang-on to one's life;
  2. not renouncing all that needs to renounce;
  3. participation in such things as Santeria, Macumba, Witchcraft and other such sources that usually comes with very powerful demons who have a tighter grip on one's life. This means that it will likely take more effort on the part of the person as a consequence of his choices to be involved in such things;
  4. will not give up a sinful lifestyle;
  5. or otherwise refusing to strive to live the Christ-Life;
  6. needs to learn something and until he does he will not be delivered;
  7. God has determined that it is in the best interest for the person not to be delivered at this time. This happened to St. Paul. God did not take away the demons in order to keep St. Paul humble (2 Corinthians 12:5-10); 
  8. other reasons that God has chosen not to deliver this person (such reasons will allows be in the person's best interest).

God never violates a person's free will. He will never force anyone to do anything. Even a possessed person must give consent for a solemn exorcism. 

A person must want to be delivered and must be willing to do what is necessary to effect that deliverance and to maintain freedom over the long run. He must also abandon/resign himself to God's will, whatever that is, even if it is not to be delivered a this time, or ever.

In your friends case, it appears a miracle has taken place in an almost overnight break-through. Praise God. But, he (and you) need to avoid over-confidence, cockiness, as demons will exploit that bit of pride.

Continue to pray for your friend and to help him in whatever ways you can to travel the road of living the Christ-life.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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