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Resistance to talking about Satan Dian Thursday, April 17, 2014


Hello Brother Ignatius,

Our Holy Father , Pope Frances, speaks frequently about the devil - how he works mostly, pointing out that he does in fact work tirelessly- and I know your center brings the discussion to help others.

I just made a call to my diocese inquiring if there were any deliverance ministries near by , Catholic deliverance ministries, in this diocese. They did not know what I was talking about, so I explained.( mistake?)

During the call I began to feel some resistance to the topic so I said "Pope Frances talks about this, and how the devil works in our lives, many times in his messages and homilies." I guess I said that so they would take my inquiry as valid. But was transferred to third person who 1) also did not know what I was referring to and 2) just did not want to discuss it and said talk to your parish priest.

And now...I am being harassed by thoughts of how wrong of me to have called them, they asked for my parish information and now they will call the new priest and tell him what I am saying and as they do not think it was valid request, their call will not be favorable in a parish I have had struggles with before our new priest came. oh! I think this thought is a lie and pray that it is.

How clever of satan to place in peoples minds he is not here. I think what prompted my call to diocese is to see a man recently returned to the faith who has begun to experience very bad dreams every night and many other sufferings. He is very confused about this.

I am not ready to nor understand things to talk to anyone and I am sure whatever I would say satan would twist before it even came out of my mouth. (this is an daily experience that is causing me to believe more not to talk with others). 

But, I believe there are others who could benefit from a deliverance ministry in this area. If Pope Frances brings this to discussion- why are people- Catholic's - resistant to talk and pray about this?

in closing, I thank God (many times) for your ministry. I have learned much here... the Steps to Spiritual Deliverance a great assistance as well as your thoughtful educated replies to questions.

For Lent I have prayed to receive the grace of giving up my "self" - for I see if my self absorption was completely gone, and Jesus completely in me - no other thing person creature would have any importance at all, which is the Truth.

Thank you for reading my very long post. God Bless you on this Holy Thursday.
my prayers ~

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r), CCL, LTh, DD, LNDC

Dear Dian:

I praise God for any ways in which this apostolate has helped you.

I am sorry to hear about your experience calling your diocese, but I am not surprised. There are many diocesan staff, and even bishops, who are resistant to talk about or to help someone in need concerning demonization. Much of the time the reason for this is because the subject is unknown to them, and sometimes it is because they are scared of the subject. In some instances the reason bishops do not respond is because they actually do not believe there is a devil as a real personal entity. For whatever reasons individuals like yourself are left without help.

You did nothing wrong. There is no need for you to fret about this. You did absolutely nothing wrong in calling the diocese about this.

If I understand you correctly, the reason that you called the diocese was on behalf of someone else who is having troubles. You are correct not to try to handle this by yourself in that you're not trained to do so. You can pray with the person in a general way but certainly do not attempt deliverance. I suggest that you refer the person to our agency and we can help him.

Since deliverance counseling can be done over the telephone we can help people all over the world. In fact, we have done deliverance with people in Ireland, Sweden, Chile, and even China. While there may not be any deliverance apostolate in your area the technology of the Internet and of telephones means that we can help people anywhere.

Anyone you come across you may refer them to our St. Padre Pio website. When going there you'll see a link called HELP. Click on that link and it will take the person to a page with various links to help people, including Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance and a Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog. There is also a link to apply for personal counseling. If we have an opening that application, called a Help Request, will appear when clicking on that link.

You are to be commended in your Lenten goal of giving up self. Oh, that we would all do that.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

For information on how to receive help see our Help page. We suggest that before contacting us directly for help you try the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance. These self-help steps will often resolve the problem. Also our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog contains many prayers that may be helpful. If needed you can ask for a Personal Consultation.