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Please investigate this website Janine Tuesday, December 7, 2004


I stumbled upon a website and became quite upset by its contents. There was no where in this entire site that explained who "Raphael" was or where he received his so called "truth".

There is much in this website renouncing the Catholic Church as "the most evil organization in the world". The author, Raphael Rey, believes in reincarnation, denies Christ was and is the son of God, and says Jesus' true name is Immanuel. Raphael Rey is of course asking for donations for his book of Spiritual Truths in addtion to his "Church of the Children of God" and asserts that we Roman Catholics are all doomed and the Holy Church was started by Lucifer.

He also predicts horrific WWIII. He claims to be clairvoyant.

Take a look at this site when you can and I look forward to your comments regarding it.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Janine:

The web address you give is not valid. Website will end with a .com or .org or .net, etc.

I tried to locate this site, but the only site I could find is a German language site that did not appear to contain the material you mentioned -- though I really did not have the time to do an extensive translation.

If the site contains the notions that you have listed it sounds to me that the site is a bunch of wackos and obviously anti-Catholic bigots.

But I cannot look at the site without a valid website address.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


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