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Amma the hugging saint Rebecca Monday, May 19, 2014


Hi Brother:

I am not sure If you are familiar with Amma, the hugging saint of India. I have been interested in seeing her as she is coming to my city. Is there any harm in getting a hug from her *I would also bring my 3 year old daughter

Also, I have been getting further away from the church as I am less and less feeling welcomed there. As a single mother who has been overwhelmed with the care of a child, I have been stretch to my limits emotionally, physically, etc. I have NO family. none. ive done this all on my own. Now, when I try to take her to mass, I am greeted by sighs, frowns, rolling of eyes, because she is loud. I have hardly been able to sit thru one mass since her birth. It seems at these large hindu events, children are welcome, everybody looks happy. Is there any danger? Thanks

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r), CCL, LTh, DD, LNDC

Dear Rebecca:

Well first of all, this "Amana" is not a saint. She is a guru in the Hindu religion. The Hindu religion is one of the most hideous and, in my opinion, most demonically inspired religion on the planet. Under absolutely no circumstances should you attend any meetings with this one, and doubly under no circumstances should you allow this woman to hug you or your daughter. If you allow that you risk a demonic transference.

Do not be tricked into going to Hindu events because children are welcomed and everyone looks happy. The devil is more than happy to make these Hindus all happy and all if it will trick Christians and coming to Hindu events and thereby placing themselves in grave danger.

I applaud you for your courage in all that you must do as a single parent. I know how tough that is because I've done it myself. But, as far as your local parish is concerned you need to ignore the sinful behavior of your fellow parishioners. Who cares what they think?

I would advise you to talk to your pastor about your feelings and experiences when coming to Holy Mass. If you talk with your pastor perhaps you can find some support to help you not only when you come to the Holy Mass but also to help you in your daily life.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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