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Miracle II Products Cesar Wednesday, December 8, 2004


Dear Brother,

I know of a woman who believes that Miracle 2 products are cursed. She had a personal experience with one of their products. It caused her to shake and it gave her the feeling of being mildy shocked throughout her entire body. It also drained her energy. She said that after a priest celebrated Mass in her home, the curse wore off.

She claims that the products, at least the one she had, listed "prayer" and "anointed by God" as ingredients. In one website pushing the product, it says, "The anointed Miracle II." It also says, "Miracle II products are one of the most amazing product lines that has ever been presented to mankind." It says it can help you live a "healthier, all natural, more spiritual life." Most interesting, it says, "Eveything that Miracle II will do has been revealed to people, by the Spirit of God, to use it in ways to solve the problems they face."

Have you ever heard of this, and if not, is it possible for "liquids, soaps, cleansers," etc., to be cursed?


Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Cesar:

The disclaimer that is found on some of the websites for this product should be considered. It reads:

Nothing on this website is intended to diagnose, treat or cure any physical problems or medical conditions. Information on this site is intended to be used for educational purposes only.

The statements on this site have not been evaluated by the FDA, and as such, shall not be construed as medical advice, implied or otherwise

In addition, the claims of the product is to allegedly "cleanse" the body of toxins and the like. Point blank, as mentioned by Dr. Rosenfeld in his book on alternative medicine on the subject of claims to cleanse the body of toxins or to strengthen immune system, "There's no such cleanser or strengthener, except for good nutrition."


Then we have this bit of bull droppings from one of their websites:

God made it to work. Only God would do something like this. God revealed this to Coach Duke Fields, Sr. in Farmersville, Louisiana. Why not try Miracle Bath & Shower Soap and Miracle II Neutralizer for 90 days, because I know you will have a miracle too! To have a healthier body and mind, you must change what you wash your body, hair and clothing with. Get away from animal fat, alcohol, and petroleum bar soap products. Use Miracle II products and you will see what I am talking about. I have said, "God, I will declare your wondrous works and the testimonies of the people that have seen your glory in something as simple as soap. Lord, it is your commandment that we tell about this." Those who believe will see His glory! The formula for Miracle II was given to me in 1981. It was perfect then and it has not changed. You will never read "New and Improved" on a bottle of Miracle II Products.

 One of the best con games is to couch a product in a "commandment of the Lord", in a "private revelation", in an endorsement from the Almighty. What better product endorsement can there be than to have God endorse one's product?

In addition we have "secret" ingredients contained in these products. Here is what Dr. Rosenfeld says about that:

It may be acceptable business practice for Coca-Cola to guard its secret formula, but soft drinks are not medications. The constituents of every product that claims to have health benefits should be disclosed on its label... Stay away from any "health" preparation whose ingredients are not listed -- no its, ands, or buts.

Here is the explanation concerning the secret ingredients from one of the Miracle II websites:

Because the FDA does not regulate the contents of soap, the inventor of Miracle II Products, Clayton Tedeton, has decided not to reveal the exact formula, and therefore the exact answer to that question is between him and God.
What we do know is from the label on the Miracle II Soap bottle, which reads thus:

"The most complex mixture of natural minerals and organics that has ever been blended together. Miracle II is a spiritually revealed, formulated product. Contains: Prayer - Electrically engineered eloptic energized stabilized oxygenated water - Ash of Dedecyl solution - Dehydrabiethylamine - Calcium - Potassium - Magnesium - Foaming agent - Cold pressed Avocado - Almond - Olive & Coconut Oils - Vitamin E - Miracle II contains and holds spiritual and ecliptic energy." 

Spiritual and ecliptic energy?

Whatever "spiritual" energy it has is not from God. God does not operate this way.

And "ecliptic energy"? Ecliptic refers to "the intersection plane of the earth's orbit with the celestial sphere, along which the sun appears to move as viewed from the earth" or "A great circle inscribed on a terrestrial globe inclined at an approximate angle of 23o27' to the equator and representing the apparent motion of the sun in relation to the earth during a year."

Is this some sort of new age cosmic energy gobblygook?

Since this wacko is claiming spiritual and "ecliptic" energies and not just another new age alternative product, I would be suspicious, very suspicious, about this product and its potential of carrying a possible spell or curse -- either deliberately on the part of the "inventor" of this product or as a side effect of the "inventor" being an idiot and messing around with forces he does not understand.

In addition to all this, the "story of Clayton Tedeton" and how he received his "revelation" from God (or I would say, "a god) smacks strongly of the occult and demonic activities. For example, he states that the Holy Spirit kept speaking to him the words, "YOU PROMISED ME THAT YOU WOULD OBEY ME". This went on for two years with the voice getting louder and louder until the "voice became so loud and often that the only thing I knew was to run away." To begin with the Holy Spirit rarely speaks in an audible way, and He never gets louder or yells at a person if they do not obey. Demons, however, are known for this sort of behavior.


Based upon the story of Mr. Tedeton, the Miracle II websites I looked at, and the one you quoted from I would suggest running as fast as possible away from even the hint of this product.

It was an excellent thing for your friend to do in asking that a Mass be said in her home.

There is also the prayer in our Catalog linked below for the breaking of personal curses and spells that I would recommend too.

In terms of a direct answer to your question, ANY object can carry a curse or a spell. Beware of a stranger or a new ager bearing gifts :)

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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