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Knights of Columbus Troy Thursday, December 9, 2004


Firstly i am Catholic but i put myself as seperate from Rome becase i do not see the Pope as not being the leader of the Church but at this point in time and well with any I think that one must be wary of any person in a positon of such power that it can currupt them, i'm not saying the Pope is bad or anything like that but i worry on the goings on in Rome and the effect it has on the whole Catholic church and one cannot blindly follow the Pope, our current one, or the ones to come as the past has shown us the church has been led by evil men but no better a place for the devil to work is evil than in the hands of the Pope.

This does have to a bit with my question. I know the the church rightly denouces masonry, so my question is, are the Knights of Columbus (KOC) somewhat like masons with their ''secret meetings, cerimonies and oathes"? Like masons are these types of activites seen as wrong by the church. i know the KOC does much to help the church, but good works are often a mask for evil. I believe, but i may be worng that secret meetings of any kind that the church and other members are not included can be dangeruos who is to know of their secret agendas, wouldnt a group such as the KOC be the perfect place for satan to recuit unknowing members of the Catholic Church? If i'm totally off my rocker let me know. And going back to what i said about the Pope I know he has prasied the KOC for their work for the church, but praise from the Pope does not always mean what a group is doing is right. I just feel myself that a group with secret initiations and degrees where knowledge is with held untill gaining higher membership can lead to bad and dark things. Please let me know what you think.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Troy:

Since you introduce yourself as a Catholic separated from Rome, I will address that issue first.

To separate from Rome and especially to deny that the Pope is  the visible leader of the Church, makes one a heretic and automatically excommunicated. Do you really want that?

It is obvious that you have lost your faith, if you ever had the Catholic faith. Thus, I would advise that you begin from scratch and relearn the faith and the reasons for the faith.

Begin with the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Also examine the pamphlets at and also at

Until your faith issues are resolved I pray and hope you are not receiving Communion, because if you are you would be committing one of the worse sins possible -- sacrilege against the Eucharist.

This is the faith: God has promised that the gates of hell shall not prevail against the Church, and since God does not lie, we know this to be true. Thus, even when evil popes are elected, the Church is still protected. There is not one single evil Pope who has changed a single dotted "i" of the dogma of the Church.

Back in the 6th century there was a man named Vigilius who was Pope from A.D. 537-55. How he got elected Pope was by murdering his predecessor, Pope St. Silverius, and conspiring with Empress Theodora to take over the Church and to bring the Church into heresy. That was the reason Vigilius was put on the Papal throne -- to bring the Church into heresy.

But once Vigilius sat in the Chair of Peter he could not go through with it. When Theodora found out about this she sent him into exile. He was not released until Theodora died, but Vigilius died before he made it back to Rome.

The Holy Spirit protected the Church from this conspiracy and He protects the Church today from swaying away from the Truth. God promised this, and it is so!

As for the Knights of Columbus as no similarity to the Masons. The Masons are a secret society, the Knights of Columbus are not. The Mason offer blood and death oaths and occult rituals, the Knights do not.

The only thing the Knights keep secret are various rituals and the reason for this is so that the impact of the religious lessons will not be spoiled for new members. These secret ceremonies are not, however, secret to the Bishop and the Vatican. The Knights come under the oversight of Church authorities and are loyal to the Pope and their Bishops.

In addition, the pledge to keep the ceremonies secret includes an exemption for civil or religious responsibilities. The Masons have no such exemption.

There is really no substantive similarity in the secret ceremonies, philosophies, rituals, or anything else  between Masons and Knights of Columbus.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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