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Dramatic Reapperance of Ring: Additional Issues Eric Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Hi Brother. Thank you very much for your answer to my question about my wedding ring's disappearance and subsequent reappearance. Also, thank you for sharing your own personal story about a similar occurrence you had with a watch.

I have a few additional questions: First, if these "mosquito" demons are capable of stealing material things from us, can they affect other aspects of our material lives such as our health; the harmony of our home; our ability to sleep well; our ability to drive safely; etc... ? In other words, to what extent are they able to harm us?

Second, in both cases, your watch was returned and so was my ring. Why do you think the demons returned our objects? I certainly do not believe it was out of kindness! In my case, the reappearance of my ring was done in a way that let both my wife and me know that the demon was there. It could have easily returned it in an inconspicuous way, like by quietly putting it on my nightstand or toothbrush for me to find later. Instead, it chose to return the ring in such a way that we both knew it had to be something supernatural. It was as if the demon was letting us know that it was there. Why would it do this? One would think that it would have more power to harm us if we were not aware of its presence.

Lastly, my wife continues to believe that it is a "friendly" ghost. She believes it is the ghost of her cat that died many years ago. She thinks I lost the ring in the house and the cat found it and returned it by dropping it on the floor next to our bed. I have told her that this is not the case but I think she takes comfort in believing this because it scares her to think it is a demon.

Do you think I should continue to tell her that it is a demon and not the ghost of her cat, or should I just not say anything else?

So far, there have been no other incidents.

So, in summary, my questions are: How much harm are these demons allowed to do? Why do they return objects? Why do they return objects in a way that announces that they are there? Do you think I should continue telling my wife that it is a demon or should I just leave it alone?

Thank you so much for your help with this matter!

God bless you!

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r), CCL, LTh, DD, LNDC

Dear Eric:

Nearly all analogies are limited in their accuracy. My analogy of a mosquito demon is also limited. Technically mosquitoes can carry deadly diseases and cause great harm, but that is not how I am using the term. My designation of a "mosquito demon" is that of a low-level demon who is mostly just a nuisance. These demons do not generally cause much harm, they mostly cause aggravation and frustration. There are other demons, of course, who can cause great harm.

Demons may cause the level of harm to which they have the power to do according to their hierarchy within their demonic army, and which God will allow them to do. We know that demons cannot harm us without God's permission. We see this in the story of Job in which Satan had to ask God's permission to attack Job and his family. In that story we also see God putting limitations on what Satan could do to Job.

The reasons that God allows demons to attack us can be varied. Whatever the reasons are, we know that God never allows anything to happen to us to which is not in our best interest. He may allow demons to attack us in order to test our faith, to strengthen our faith, or to prepare us for battle, or any host of reasons that only God knows.

Most often, however, demons attack us because we allow them to. This is a natural consequence of our decisions. God never intrude upon our choices. We invite them into our lives through our sins of commission and sins of omission. We allow them into our lives through our carelessness and inattention to live the Christ-life. We invite them by our participation in what I call "Satan's Sandbox." If we play in Satan's sandbox were going to get his sand in our shoes. Satan's sandbox includes flirting with for participating in activities contrary to God, such as horoscopes, Ouija boards, tarot cards, Palm reading, going to mediums and psychics, being a fan of Harry Potter, participating in a culture of death on Halloween, inappropriate curiosity of the paranormal (including the regular viewing of all of those dangerous and stupid paranormal investigation shows), and anything else of the occult or any other activity contrary to God.

The reason why these mosquito demons steal our rings and watches or whatever and then bring them back in is to cause curiosity of the paranormal. The hope of the demon is that his actions will cause the person to want to investigate why these things happen and thereby perhaps be seduced into paranormal and occultic activities. While this temptation may not have worked on you it does work on some people. These sorts of things do cause a curiosity that often leads people down the primrose path.

A possible reason why this particular mosquito demon made such a display of returning your ring was precisely what you said — to let you know that the demons are there. Why would they do this? Just to let you know that there are around. With some people that knowledge will scare them. But, even if it does not scare someone it can put them on notice that the demons know the person is there and that they can intrude upon their lives whenever they wish (to the limits the God allows).

As far as your wife is concerned, it is your duty as her husband to be the spiritual leader of your household. It is also your duty to protect her. Her belief that this was a "friendly ghost" is dangerous. This is like saying that a rattlesnake is friendly. Such an attitude can get you bit. She needs to be instructed on this to come to an understanding that her fear of the demonic is a problem of faith, and that her trying to obfuscate what is the truth here is much more dangerous to her that do call things what they are, which is that a mosquito demon was involved in this incident. You need to help her strengthen her faith to know that God is more powerful than any demon, and that if God allows them to intrude into our lives (this is presuming we have not invited them in ourselves), then there is a reason. We must have faith that God is a perfect Father and has a reason for what he does.

In addition, your wife needs to understand that animals do not have immortal souls. Thus, there is no such thing as a ghost cat. Any dead pet that appears to us is a demon in disguise. Again, your wife is in grave danger if she is going to refuse to see what is the truth and try to obfuscate it by, what is in this case, a theological error that's contrary to Church teaching. Thus, not only is she calling a rattlesnake the spirit of her pet, which places her in grave danger, but she is also violating Church teaching by asserting what is not so. Your wife needs to be instructed on proper Church doctrine, and again warned to not call a rattlesnake by some other name pretending that it's not a rattlesnake. By the way, in Scripture one of the descriptions of demons are that of serpents and scorpions. We need to recognize the serpents and scorpions for what they are. To pretend they are something else places us in grave risk of being bitten and poisoned.

You will have to decide how you instruct your wife. I do not know her or know her personality. But, I would suggest that your wife does need to be instructed. You'll need to find a proper way to do that.

We will certainly be in prayer for you and for your wife.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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