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Santeria, Mediums, and Black Shadow Figure Alexandra Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Hello Brother,

My name is Alexandra and I have a very serious concern for a portion of my boyfriend's family, his nephew in particular. Over the four years of dating my boyfriend, I have come to meet his older siblings, as well as their spouses and children. Most recently I have come to learn that the sister-in-law is involved in Santeria practices, seeks out mediums to speak with dead souls, and uses Día de los Muertos statues as decoration around the house. The brother does not believe in God or any other religious practice, and the household is strongly lacking in this sense.

This past weekend, his seven-year-old nephew, Diego, came to stay with him and his parents for the weekend for the first time by himself and left us with some very chilling stories. He described seeing a black figure that he could only describe as an Enderman, which is an all black character in a video game that can destroy you. I am assuming he used this description because he could not compare it to anything else. He told my boyfriend, his parents, and me all separate stories of this figure, once in his backyard, several occasions in his home, and countless times in his room, even with the lights on. In describing how scared he is of this black entity, and with the new knowledge of his parent's immersion in Santeria and frequent association with mediums, I cannot help but think a demonic entity has attached itself to the family and is scaring young Diego.

Before he left that weekend, my boyfriend, his family, and I taught him how to pray to protect himself from becoming scared. I have also had a mass offered for him, but am seeking answers as to how I can offer this young boy and his even younger siblings spiritual protection, through prayer or otherwise, as their parents are vehemently against Christian beliefs or practices.

I would greatly appreciate your guidance in this, Brother.

God Bless,

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r), CCL, LTh, DD, LNDC

Dear Alexandra:

It is very sad to hear about your boyfriend's brother and his family. The first thing to do is to pray for the brother and his wife. There are prayers in our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog, linked below, that can be used for this purpose. In particular: Proxy Deliverance Prayer for a Friend or Relative  and  Rebuking Particular Spirits-Proxy. There is also whichever prayers are applicable under the Praying for Others section.

As for the children, you have done about all you can. Teaching the boy how to pray to protect himself is excellent. If you are able you can continue in that, but keep in mind that if his parents find out they may sever all contact with the boy.

In any event, you (meaning you and your boyfriend) can pray for the children, such as the Hedge Prayer for Protection of Others and the Rebuking Particular Spirits-Proxy. This rebuking prayer is if you notice any particular spirits bothering the children or the brother and his wife. The spirits (demons) are identified by their aqttribute, such as the spirit of anger, spirit of the black figure, spirit of Santeria, etc.

Your boyfriend as some familial authority since he is the uncle. This is called an Adelfifamilial relationship, and by that he has some authority in his prayers that others do not. 

Continue to teach the boy at any opportunity. Do not cease in praying for the children and for the parents.

Be aware that the devil will not like you and your boyfriend praying for this family. You and your boyfriend may be attacked yourselves. The relationship between you and your boyfriend may be attacked. Do not fear this, but persevere through it. Use the prayers in the Catalog for yourselves as well.

We will be in prayer for them and for you and your boyfriend.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


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