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Opinion on Charism School Krysta Monday, September 15, 2014


A Charism School put on by Cor et Lumen out of the UK is coming to the US soon. Wondering your opinion about this school. Would be good for someone to attend if they have charismatic gift(s) to learn more about them? I would ask my spiritual director, but I am still searching for one. I worry about it being too is a link to the presenters website:

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r), CCL, LTh, DD, LNDC


Cor et Lumn is a a member of a recognized Private Association of Pontifical Right and the local bishop welcomes the group to his diocese (see here), thus the group is probably okay. As this concerns the Charismatic Renewal one should always approach with some caution, in my opinion, even though the group has its bishop's welcome.

It needs to be said that we all have charismatic gifts by virtue of our baptism and confirmation, we need just to discover what it (or they) are. This does not require the Charismatic Renewal. It has always been true, for 2000 years before the Renewal existed, that we each of at least one gift and have had that gift since baptism/confirmation. In that true sense, there is no such thing as a "baptism" of the Holy Spirit outside of the Sacraments. That term comes from Protestant Pentecostals and should have never migrated to the Catholic groups. I would certainly refer you to our essay, Charism Gifts Building Up the Church as a reference point to consider as these issues are discussed in that article. 

With all that said, this group may provide that assistance to discern your gifts, I do not know as I am not familiar with them. As long as you understand the issue as outlined in the article linked above it should not be a problem attending.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary 

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