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re: Further questions Rose Monday, September 22, 2014


Thank you Brother, thank you for setting me straight about the civic centre having their hands tied. I am sorry to hear they would possibly not allow a Christian service there? Would it be possible to exorcise the place afterwards? God Bless you for you great work and for the quick reply to earlier question.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r), CCL, LTh, DD, LNDC


The Civil Center is the property of the city of Oklahoma City. A city government, again fearing a law suit, would not likely allow any Christian ritual.

People, on their own, and without knowledge of the civic center officials, in other words, secretly, could walk through the Civic Center sprinkling Holy Water, etc. and saying prayers of cleansing the building.  But, an offical ritual of cleansing by the Archbishop, or in any public way, is not likely to be allowed.

Prayers, however, do not require physical presence or proximity. Thus, prayers of cleansing for the Civic Center building can be said from where you are or where anyone is anywhere in the world.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


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