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Religious satanism and a thanks lisa Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Hello Brother Ignatius Mary, I hope that you have been well, and that you only get better.

According to a recent answer you gave someone, you said that the only satanists are those that don't even believe in satan as a spiritual being. They are atheists.

My question is if there are any satanists that believe in satan as a personal being they worship?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r), CCL, LTh, DD, LNDC

Dear Lisa:

Since you did not give a reference to this other Q&A I can't check it out, but I am pretty sure that I did not say that the "only satanist are those that don't even believe in satan as a spiritual being."

There are SOME Satanists who do not believe in a real Satan.

There are two major types of Satanists:

1) The Atheist/Luciferians do not believe in a supernatural Satan. They believe evil is good and that the their devilish philosophies can offer abundant material life. This is accomplished by yielding to every temptation without thought of morality, self-sacrifice, or duty to others.

 2) The Theist/Palladist Satanist openly worships the devil as such, taking their stand by the goat deity and wallowing in evil for its own sake. This type of Satanist believes in the supernatural existence of Satan and are the True Satanist.

Satanic organization and practice can be Self-styled dabblers, religious, or cult Satanists

a) Self-styled Satanists are frequently young people dabbling. Sometimes the self-styled Satanist will commit petty crimes (petty in comparison to the Cult Satanist), such as vandalizing cemeteries and graves, vandalizing houses, harassing people, and killing cats and other animals. Dabblers, however, to do really know what they are doing. 

b) The Religious Satanists, like Anton LaVey and the Church of Satan, do not believe in an actual Satan. Rather, they believe in the concept or philosophy of evil, worship evil publicly, and are open about their rituals.

c) The Cult Satanists generally believe in a real Satan. They are highly organized and very clandestine about their activities. Cult Satanists are the most dangerous in their practices, often criminal in nature, such as rape, molestation (including rape of children four years old or younger), torture, and even murder. This type will sacrifice animals and even humans to raise demonic power.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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