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Catholic High School Infiltrated and Declining Petronila Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Dear Br. Ignatius,

I have a large family with adult children down to preschoolers. My adult children graduated from a new Catholic high school in our diocese and we have children enrolled there now. We have been with the school since the beginning.

When the school started, it was robust and faithful. There were some problems, but things continued to solidify and improve. The bishop emeritus made the school his pet project and he was present on campus, even teaching some of the classes. He has since moved away.

Since then, the school has gotten accredited, which means there are no more priests on campus because they were not certified "teachers" according to state standards. In the beginning, priests were teaching theology.

Things are sliding...things like disregard for the dress code, etc. Then there are the issues about which I am appealing to you. On the school finance committee, one of the officers is an ob/gyn who practices the whole gamut of contraception and sterilization. (Yes, I know this to be true.) The doctor's name is on the school stationery, which could easily be taken by many to be a diocesan endorsement, I believe. I have notified the bishop, who kindly responded, but made no assurances that the situation would be remedied. I wait respectfully on that issue.

Most recently, one of my children, who is a student at the school, had an online blogging project for one of his classes. The students were to write individual blogs about subjects they chose and then were assigned to read and comment on each others' blogs. (My child wrote about farming subsidies.)

By coincidence, I happened to glance at the computer as my child was doing homework one evening and on the monitor was a blog promoting Planned Parenthood sex education, complete with references to PP's mobile apps and even with embedded PP videos. Another blog was about feminism and exploring "gender issues." I tried to contact the teacher, but my email address was blocked by the school server. I called the date, the blogs are still online, despite assurances that they would be taken down.

It's a long and tedious story.... The gist is that I think a spirit of sexual immorality has managed to penetrate the school. I've been looking online for prayers of protection and I'm not finding anything that seems right for the situation. We're considering homeschooling our children. We're anxious and worried.

Any advice is welcome.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r), CCL, LTh, DD, LNDC

Dear Petronila:

Sorry for the delay in answering.

I am troubled to hear about the decline in your Catholic school. Unfortunately this is a common story. You have done the right things in contacting the Bishop and the principal. After a time, you may want to followup with the bishop. I would also followup with the principal, and if he is unresponsive, then contact the school board.

Indeed, a spirit of lust, and of sexual immorality has infested our culture nearly 100%. This infestation has also entered our public school in major ways to the point that trying out homosexuality is even encouraged in some schools. The infestation has also come to many Catholic schools.

If I were to have children these days, I would homeschool.

As for prayers of protection for your children, we have what are called Hedge Prayers of Protection. There is one for the Household and one for "others. You will these under the section "Protecting our Household" and "Praying for Others" in our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog, linked below.

We will be praying for you and your family, too, and for the school.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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