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Deceased Love Ones Crystal Thursday, January 15, 2015


Dear Brother,

My Father's birthday is coming up and every year on both his birthday and the anniversary of his death; I ask God to tell him that I love him and wished I had known him, as my Father committed suicide 2 months before I was born.

I don't know if it is wise to express my love to my Father myself, as I'm sure it would be on the line of necromancy which is demonic. However can I continue to ask God to send my Father my love and do you think God has forgiven him for taking his life, as he suffered with depression.

If you could give me some insight, I would be grateful.

Thank you,
God Bless,

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r), CCL, LTh, DD, LNDC

Dear Crystal:

I think it is very touching for you to express your love for your father. There is no problem asking God to send your love to your father. There is also no problem in you expressing your love directly to your father.

This is not necromancy. Necromancy is conjuring spirits to ascertain information of the future (divination) or other occult information. You are simply expressing your love for your father, not trying to conjure his spirit or to ask for information. Thus, there is no problem.

The Church teaches that those who commit suicide are most often not in a state of mind to truly make a free and unimpaired decision to kill themselves. This is called diminished responsibility. In order for a grave sin to be mortal the person must have unimpaired free will to choose to do the sin. Suicides rarely have this unimpaired ability to choose. Depression is one of those factors that impairs a person's ability to freely choose. Thus, the Church does not judge the person as it is presumed the person is not responsible for his actions. Therefore, a person who has died from suicide may have a funeral Mass and may be buried on consecrated ground.

To answer your question, yes, in as much as we know, God has forgiven your father for taking his own life.

We will pray for the repose of your father.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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