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Problems with Eating Crystal Saturday, February 7, 2015


Dear Brother,

I have been doing very well in my Spiritual path and have seen improvement in many areas of my life, however recently I've become somewhat frustrated and depressed due to problems with eating that reflect upon my past.

It seems like a lot of my problems with eating stemmed from relationships I've had with the men in my life. For example, when I was a young I was very chubby and my Maternal Uncle (now deceased) use to tease my constantly about my weight which made me feel insecure and very sad. I went on a diet and stopped eating junk food and sweets and eventually lost weight and was able to maintain it throughout the years, but occasionally my weight fluctuated from time to time, as I was still a teenager.

When I got into my early 20's I was at a healthy weight of 125lbs, but I had a boyfriend who use to tease me and said I was fat and I began dieting again. A few years later, I was in a relationship that was very emotionally abusive and when I left that relationship; I remember whenever I started to eat, I felt like I was choking and could not digest the food. I went to a Doctor whom performed some test and each came back clear, as I had no abnormalities; but I remember the Physician asking did I experience any sort of trauma that could have caused this in which it was my past relationship.

Last year I had an allergic reaction to a medication that my Doctor said was okay to take. I am not allergic to the medication itself, but some of the inactive ingredients in it. Because of this, I have to research any medication I take to avoid any allergic reactions and some of those ingredients in this particular medications are in certain food products.

Because of this, I'm having problems eating as it seems I'm getting reactions to things I did not have difficulties with in the past. For example, I cannot eat chicken soup anymore because the broth causes a reaction in my mouth and store cold cuts; make my mouth feel itching or leave a strange reaction.

I've had allergy testing done to multiple food products and each came back clear. I am seeing a Therapist and will address this, but from what I've expressed do you think this may be a Spirit that could be causing these problems with me eating or could it just be personal concern?

I'm really concerned because I've lost a lot of weight over the years, as I have IBS too and do not want to lose any more. If you could give me some insight about this, I would be grateful.

Thank you,
God Bless,

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r), CCL, LTh, DD, LNDC

Dear Crystal:

I praise God that you are doing well in your life.

The eating and medication allergy problems you are describing need to be check out by a doctor, and perhaps a mental health profession.

We need to be very careful about ascribing spiritual/demonological influences to medical issues. To suspect a demonological influence something more than the medical problem needs to be present.

What you have described appears to be medical/psychological, and this it is most likely a personal issue and not a spiritual one.

We will be in prayer concerning these medical/psychological issues.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


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