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Reiki, Kundalini, Witchcraft? Leigh Tuesday, December 14, 2004


About 10 years ago, I had a disturbing experience with one of my inlaws. This took place during a family gathering at Christmas. We were all in a circle, holding hands in prayer. While praying, I was spiritually "electrocuted" by a male relative on my right. The shock was so great that I lost my balance, nearly falling to the floor. I pulled myself together, and as they left our home, I dismissed the experience as a fluke.

Early the next morning, still half asleep, I answered the phone. No one said anything, but I "telepathically" sensed something like, "The chase is on!" The next five years were a nightmare! It felt like I had been invaded by a presence that could read my every thought.

I lost twenty pounds in weight. There were times, during all of this, that I contemplated suicide. This guy used all kinds of lies "telepathically" to convince me that our "relationship" was "meant to be". At one point, he tried to convince me that my husband was going to leave me to become a monk/priest.

There was a time when I thought all of this was from God, but when my husband didn't leave me, and this deceiver got married, I realized that it was all a lie. This all happened some years ago and because of my faith in Jesus Christ, I have managed to cut links with this person.

The problem is, that since he is family, I occasionally have to deal with him. My question is, what in the world was this experience and how do I deal with this guy?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Leigh:

Well, from your description your this guy may have been into some sort of occult activity perhaps trying to place a spell on you or some other manipulative magick.

I would advise praying the Hedge of Protection and the Breaking Curses and Spells prayers to protect yourself and to break any curses or spells that may have been placed upon you.

As for dealing with this person at family gatherings, I would advise caution. If he continues to act inappropriately then certainly avoid him as best as possible.

The two prayers linked above can be prayed as often as needed.

If you discern anything more going on with this guy, then you may want to contact me.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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