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Saint Padre Pio Lisa Friday, December 17, 2004


I am so sorry to bother you, but I looked on the web for sites on Saint Padre Pio and found this

This was on the first page of the search. I am very concerned because this looks suspiciously like that Share International malarky. But, this is naming Saints and angels as these ascended masters mess.

I thought you might want to address this it looks to me like a snare set by the enemy for faithful Catholics who might think they have found another path to holiness.

It looks very diabolical to me and the poor Saints and good Angels to get pulled into this is horrible. When I got online I was so happy, things like this seem to validate that the enemy is really very busy. God Bless

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Lisa:

The website you referenced is a cultic organization spouting the "acsended master" movement.

One of their "acsended masters" apparently has declared that St. Padre Pio has "ascended".

Unfortunately there are may cults and other wackos and dingbats out there who will co-opt saints and angels for their own purposes. There are untold number of New Age dingbats who co-opt St. Michael the Archangel. That is the reason we have included in the Disclaimer Statement for the Order of the Legion of St. Michael that we are not associated with any other "St. Michael" group.

A few years ago, I received a phone call from "St. Michael the Archangel". This was some guy who thought he was St. Michael. He also claimed to be the Holy Spirit. He had a website and even business cards. As I said, there are many wackos out there.

It is a sad thing to see these people committing blasphemy and sacrilege against God and his holy Saints and Angels, but there is little we can do about it directly.

We need to commit these poor deluded souls to prayer in hopes that someday they will be enlightened by the Truth of Jesus Christ.

The devil is truly "very busy" especially on the Internet. That is one reason our Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, has called us to take the Internet for Christ. Serving that cause is why we are on the Internet and why we get kicked around so much by the devil and those poor souls being used by the devil.

Pray for them.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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