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Am I possessed? Mary Friday, June 19, 2015


I am disgusted by prayer, going to church makes me want to throw up. I sometimes go to confession and receive the Eucharist but I can't stay in a state of grace for more than a week. I feel sick all the time: headaches, dizziness, shaky hands. I have been addicted to masturbation for many many years and have never been able to stop, despite the fact that I've tried every means possible : rosary, mortification, confession, lots and lots of prayers. I constantly have impure thoughts, some of which are very, very inappropriate (sacrilegious). I am often tempted to ask the devil to help me get more pleasure, and I try to resist asking him but I sort of can't, there's a voice in my head that asks him for me.

The scary thing is that what the voice asks is given to me. I'm also terribly angry sometimes, especially when I am resisting to fall into sexual sins. I sometimes feel like throwing my crucifix on the floor/ breaking it in pieces. I'm often tempted to sell my body (prostitution/pornography). I suffer from an illness that normally should significantly lower my libido (not a mental illness). It doesn't lower it, AT ALL. I have dreamt that I was possessed, that I was not ''myself'' anymore. That a demon was talking through me. I have also heard noises in my bedroom, like mice walking around my bed eating plastic bags. And sometimes at night I feel like a black blanket is thrown over me, and it gets darker and darker. I'm so scared. I feel nothing for God. I WANT to love him so much, but I can't! Please help me...

Question Answered by

Dear Mary:

There is no way to diagnosis you without a personal interview, and perhaps psychiatric evaluation. The symptoms you describe may be an obsession and/or oppression. These issues cannot be evaluated in a forum like this.

If you would like a brief consultation you can make an appointment from our Appointment Calendar.

We will be praying for you.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary 

For information on how to receive help see our Help page. We suggest that before contacting us directly for help you try the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance. These self-help steps will often resolve the problem. Also our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog contains many prayers that may be helpful. If needed you can ask for a Personal Consultation.