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Attracting Negativity People and Situations Crystal Thursday, August 13, 2015


Dear Brother,

Over the years, it just seems like I continually encounter negative people and situations, and even though I pray and I'm Christian, certain events still seem to happen.

I've developed friendships with people who have betrayed me or were insincere or incompatible. Encounter individuals who were not accountable for their actions and would lie and I've met men that I liked, but could not pursue a relationship with because they may have been married or had a girlfriend and I've dated men that were not truthful in saying they were involved with other people causing me to break up with them once I found out.

Another incident happened recently and because of this, I'm reluctant to have much interaction with others because I just don't want to deal with anymore negativity and be emotionally hurt.

I was hospitalized about 3 months ago, due to malnutrition. I wasn't able to walk when I got discharged, but I prayed and with God's grace, I can walk again. However because of the weight loss, I have severe back pain and my Doctor said once I regain my weight, the pain will subside because the muscles with regain their tissue.

I had a Home Health Aide come to my home to help me for 3 hours, 5 days a week. This young lady was from Africa and followed the Islamic faith. I got along with her and she told me a lot about her religion and how it is similar to Christianity.

She seemed nice, but out of the blue one day, she asked me did I believe in voodoo. I told her that I do believe people can put hexes, curses and spells on others; but if you believe in Jesus, it cannot hurt you.

After that, I noticed this woman being very sarcastic in the things she would say and do. For example, I had a Doctor's appointment to go to Pain Management for my back and had to call the Home Health Agency to get another Aide to take me, as this Aide had a morning shift. She laughed and said "No one's going to take you" I was annoyed because she found this amusing knowing the level of pain I'm in. The day of the appointment, it was cancelled and every time I rescheduled; I still did not make it due to other circumstances.

She would also speak of negative things such as death and dying, which was creepy and whenever I asked her to stop; she would put her head down and laugh.

Thankfully, she is no longer working with me, but since she was here; I noticed that a lot of misfortune did occur. I don't think she put any curse on me, but I did find it strange that she asked me if I believed in voodoo.

I really do not want to encounter people like this and I have prayed to Saint Michael for his protection; but I'd like to know if I'm a Christian, why do I keep attracting negative people and situations like this and is this a test from God?

If you could give me some insight on this matter, I would grateful.

Thank you,
God Bless,

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r), CCL, LTh, DD, LNDC

Dear Crystal:

I am sorry all these things keep happening to you. We will pray that you will find relief.

There are several possibilities as to why you seem to attract negative people.

1. There are a lot of negative people around. Since our culture has died and God is not welcomed in our society more and more people are lost in their lives. The result is a negative personality. Since this effects our entire culture, we will meet many people who are negative, depressed, and lacking charity. It is a projection of their own misery. Misery loves company as the old saying goes. As for men, well, many men are pigs and our dead culture creates more and more pigs (and pigettes) Frown

2. It is possible that there is something in your personality or mannerisms that attract such people. This is true for all of us in the sense that whatever our personality there will be people attracted to us or not attracted.

3. It could be shear coincidence.

4. It could be a demonic element, such as a curse. The likelihood of that Voodoo woman cursing you is quite high.

The solution is to follow the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance, linked below, and also use the Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog, also linked below. There is a specific prayer to Break Curses and Spells. You need to pray that prayer, perhaps on a regular basis for a while since that woman may cast spells often. Also, the Hedge Prayer of Protection, and any other prayers that are useful to you.

Keep in mind that most curses do not work and even boomerang back on the curse-caster, but sometimes they do work. Father Amorth wrote in his book that sometimes when misfortune pervades a person or family that a curse may be present. The old adage, "If it wasn't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all", applies here.

If there is no relief then you may need to ask for a personal consultation.

We will keep you in our prayers. 

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

For information on how to receive help see our Help page. We suggest that before contacting us directly for help you try the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance. These self-help steps will often resolve the problem. Also our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog contains many prayers that may be helpful. If needed you can ask for a Personal Consultation.