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Outer body experience Jane Sunday, August 16, 2015



How are you

I have a question that you could answer would be great

My boyfriend's mother had this dream well it could be a outer body experience she went to bed at 2 at night. So she told us that she woke up and she saw herself looking down at her body. She said then she heard drums sounds and saw these shadow beings with horns on there head. She told herself not now go back,go back. So she did. This is the lady I suspected maybe she done witchcraft in the past. I asked her but she says no. So I don't know what it means. But some advice be good. My mum and I see it as a warning but she just see as a nightmare.

Thank you

Have a good day

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r), CCL, LTh, DD, LNDC

Dear Jane:

What you are describing could be just a dream or it could have been a demonic attack in her dreams. The woman saying "not now, go back, go back" and the shadow beings are a clue that his may have been a demonic dream.

Such dreams can happen to anyone. If she was involved in witchcraft such an experience may happen. But, good Christians can have this experience, too. The motivation of demons to attack a good Christian with this demonic dream is to scare the Christian. This is especially the case if the Christian is moving forward in the faith or doing some work for Christ and the Church. The devil wants the Christian to stop. He thinks that scaring the person will cause them to stop.

Another motivation of the devil is his hopes that such an experience will prick the curiosity of the person to look into dream interpretation and such and thereby be seduced into New Age or the occult philosophies.

God may allow the devil to attack a person as a test of the person's faith. There are many possible motivations and reasons for this experience.

Then again, it may just be a nightmare. I would have to know a lot more about this woman, and to talk to her, to be able to give any professional opinion of her experience.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


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