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The Bible Code (continued) Ian Monday, December 20, 2004


Oh, I see, that's where we are wrong. Sorry to correct you in your website, but what you're referring to in your response (which I very much thank you for) is "Theomatics", as it has come to be known, which is a simple science that studies the numerical values of "letters" or icons in the Hebrew language and it's most ancient form known yet Aramaic. It is simple because anybody with a Hebrew numerical translator can do this, as long as they obtain genuine copies of the Torah or the Bible.
To illustrate how Theomatics works: for example, you read the word "son", each letter, the "s"-"o"-"n" have a numerical value in Hebrew, (notice that this could also be applied to our alphabet, considering a=1, b=2, c=3, etc...) so if the word "son" has a numerical value equivalent to the connection of all three letters, (e.g. s=3, o=7, n=2, son= 372 )therefore the same could be applied to a whole sentence or even, say a verse in the Bible.
Now here comes the interesting part, someone applied this science to certain scriptures in the Bible and it turned out that every sentence that described Jesus, "The Son of Man", "The Morning Star", "The Slain Sheep" etc. Have coinsidentially enough the same numerical values equivalent to 888. The same goes for the phrases that describe Satan "fallen angel", "the beast" (this are only examples not to be considered word for word) in the Bible, have all numerical values equal to 666, the same could be applied to whole verses, setting the original written Book in a place where if even one letter is misplaced it distroys the whole harmony or equation. So what Theomatic researchers claim is that mathematics never lie, therefore it proves that the Bible (Book of books) is written in perfect devine language. Giving supporting evidence that the Bible is written by He the creator. A message written with just the precise characters, in a way kind of like this one, with precisely 2000 characters, the limit you have set for it. Pure coinsidence.


Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Ian:

I am familiar with Theomatics and I alluded to it and its silliness in my previous post on this subject.

Theomatics is NOT a science by the way -- not even close.

The results of Theomatics has not statistical or other significance beyond chance. Any number of phrases can "add up" to the significant numbers used in Theomatics.

For example, 888 is suppose to be the number for Jesus, which is divisible by 8 with a result of 111. Thus some people look for patterns of 111.

Let us do that:

I will take your message and look for 111 patterns. Here are the results:

we are wrong. Sorry to correct you in your 5328111 * 48
much thank you for) is "Theomatics", as it has come 3108111 * 28
thank you for) is "Theomatics", as 2331111 * 21
icons 222111 * 2
Aramaic. It is simple because anybody with a Hebrew numerical translator 5328111 * 48
this, as long as 666111 * 6
you read the word "son", each letter, the 2997111 * 27
that this could also be applied to our 2220111 * 20
applied to our alphabet, considering a=1, b=2, c=3, etc...) so if 1998111 * 18
"son" has a numerical value equivalent 2664111 * 24
equivalent to the connection of 2109111 * 19
equivalent to the connection of all three letters, 3108111 * 28
all three letters, 999111 * 9
all three letters, (e.g. s=3, o=7, n=2, son= 1443111 * 13
(e.g. s=3, o=7, n=2, son= 444111 * 4
s=3, o=7, n=2, 222111 * 2
s=3, o=7, n=2, son= 372 444111 * 4
son= 372 222111 * 2
same could be applied to 999111 * 9
even, say a verse in the Bible. Now here comes 3108111 * 28
the interesting part, someone applied this science to certain scriptures 3885111 * 35
part, someone applied this science to certain scriptures in the 3219111 * 29
this science to certain 1110111 * 10
described 222111 * 2
the same numerical values equivalent to 888. The same goes for 3774111 * 34
same numerical values equivalent to 888. The same goes for the 3774111 * 34
888. The same goes 555111 * 5
goes for the phrases that describe Satan "fallen angel", 2109111 * 19
for the phrases that describe Satan "fallen angel", "the beast" (this 2775111 * 25
Bible, have all numerical values 1887111 * 17
same could be applied to 999111 * 9
the original written Book 1665111 * 15
the original written Book in a place where 2442111 * 22
in a place where 777111 * 7
letter is misplaced it 1110111 * 10
devine language. Giving supporting evidence that the Bible is written by 5328111 * 48
just the precise characters, in 1665111 * 15
this one, with precisely 2000 characters, 2664111 * 24

Your message must have been written by God, I guess.

Here are a few more phrases with the key value of 111:

  • "A MILLIONAIRE WITHIN" = 1110: 111 * 10
  • "IT'S FUNNY THOUGH" = 1998: 111 * 18
  • "PLEASE CONTINUE " = 888: 111 * 8
  • "SERVICE. THIS IS PERFECTLY LEGAL." = 2220: 111 * 20
  • "EVERY NAME AND ADDRESS SENT TO YOU" = 3330: 111 * 30
  • "WILL BE REIMBURSED" = 1221: 111 * 11

But the one I like best is the with the phrase. "Sometimes you fell like a nut, sometimes you don't. Almond Joy has nuts, Mounds don't.

Here is the Theomatics for that phrase:

Sometimes you feel 1665111 * 15
feel like a 111111 * 1
a nut, sometimes 1110111 * 10
sometimes you don't. Almond Joy has 2997111 * 27

Sometimes Theomaticians are nuts, and sometimes they're silly. All the time they are off their rocker.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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