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holy spirit in Pentecostal prayer meetings sajith Wednesday, January 20, 2016


Dear Brother,
This is my second question in the forum and thanks very much the first answer .
I have some Pentecostal friends and as per them they are getting many graces from holy spirit and they do very good counselling and take messages from holy spirit .

My question is that if holy spirit is with them then why they are not taught about our mother by holy spirit .Or is it that the messages are not from holy spirit but of diabolical origin.But they are good and merciful people.

Please help me to get the clarification.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r), CCL, LTh, DD, LNDC

Dear Sajith:

The Holy Spirit goes where He will. He reaches out to all people. The graces people receive, inasmuch as they will accept them, always come from God and our Blessed Mother (whether people believe that or not). All goodness and all genuine inspiration comes from God no matter who exercises it.

Protestants receive many graces, but their eyes are closed to the Catholic Church and to the fullness of grace from our Blessed Mother. We see this "blind eye" among all Christians, including Catholics. We all, at times, may take a blind eye to the grace that God is trying to give us. This is no different than children who do not listen to some of the what their parents teach them. They still have other graces from their parents.

As for Pentecostals specifically, there is much to be troubled about. Their counsel in spiritual warfare is not that good. The so-called "messages" they claim to receive are mostly from imagination, and sometimes from the devil. Pentecostals act as if they have a personal red phone to God. This is not the case.

I recommend the essay, Charism Gifts Building Up the Church. In that essay is a very thorough analysis of the Charismatic Renewal and the contamination of Pentecostalisms into the Catholic Renewal. The essay includes a story of a tongues-speaker who thought she was praising God when in fact she was cursing God. 

The bottomline to your question is that God is teaching them about the His True Church and about our Blessed Mother, but some people do not listen, just as children do not listen to some of what their parents teach yet benefit from other graces from the parents.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary 

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