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Blessing a home with Salt, medals and holy water. Conrad Friday, February 19, 2016


Dear Bro. Ignatius Mary,

Is there a particular method to be used when blessing ones home with blessed salt, holy water and Benedictine medals?

I ask as I wish to strengthen the hedge of God's protection in and around my apartment. I have stuck the blessed Benedictine medals on every door and window of the apartment and put a blessed benedictine cross on the front door for now. Does one just sprinkle salt on the outside and inside of the apartment followed by holy water?

I have begun to take this spiritual warfare seriously but have an aged mother who says I have gone nuts.

My family is under a lot of issues including financial losses, property disputes and litigation going back 30 years, loss of business, alienation in the family etc. I am more like the tail than the head for sure...

God bless,

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r), LTh, DD

Dear Conrad:

I recommend that you follow the procedures described in the pamphlet, House Cleansing and Blessing. The Holy Water and Holy Salt is sprinkled in each room. The Benedictine Medal is placed in each room in a place where it will not be disturbed. A Benedictine medal on every door and window is more than necessary, but is certainly okay.

What you describe for your family, however, may be a family curse. We have a breaking curses prayer in our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog, linked below. Other prayers in the Catalog may be helpful too.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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