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Things disappear and sometimes reappear later Jeanne Saturday, February 20, 2016


Is it true that a sign of demonic oppression is when items disappear or vanish and sometimes reappear later? If so, is it the person it is happening to that is the problem or the environment? This happens in my home and I try to ignore it, but I read that it is a sign of oppression. Now I do not know whether to ignore or what to do. Does it matter that I am a priest's mother?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r), CCL, LTh, DD, LNDC

Dear Jeanne:

No, this by itself, this is not a sign of demonic oppression. This phenomenon, when not explained by natural means, such as forgetfulness, may be caused by what I call mosquito demons. Mosquito demons do things like this just to aggravate or irritate us.

Many years ago when I was still Protestant this happened to me in a dramatic way. When I went to bed I always placed my watch on top of the dresser. When I got up one morning the watch was gone. My wife and I cleaned off the top of the dresser, no watch. We looked behind the dresser, under the bed, and everywhere else in the bedroom. No watch. We then searched my office and the whole house. No watch. 

After searching the house we came back into the bedroom and the watch was sitting in the middle of the dresser. There was no plausible explanation other then a mosquito demon.

If this is happening often, having your house blessed by a priest will likely take care of it.

Having a son as a priest could be why this is happening. Demons are not going to like it that you raised a son who went into the priesthood and are doing this as a low-level harassment.

But, if this is the only thing happening, and especially if it happened only a couple of times, I would not worry about it. Just ask God to take away the spirit behind it when you do your rosary.

If this is a common experience, then having the house blessed may stop the phenomenon.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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