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Is it a demon attack or just life? Alexandra Monday, April 18, 2016



How are you?

I have a few questions that I want to ask. Is this spiritual attack or just life? So I've contact you in the past and well things seem to get worse.

Last year around end of the year my car got hit by a drunk navy man. My car was a right off. Two weeks later I got strep thoart. At the same time my boyfriend and I became engaged. 2 weeks later after that I lost my job. I didn't do anything wrong say stole money or was badly behaved. I was trained to be a librarian and they said I was incapable. So I was stuck as a shelver putting books away. I couldn't countine to work there I felted very sad and K would cry before going to work. So I left.

But my general anxiety disorder got worse. I had help through a psychologist last year. I would begin to worry all sorts of things mainly related to worried my fiancée will leave me which I know is related to when my dad cheated on my mum and left us. So I fear abandoned.

I worry so much I started to get killing thoughts. Like I'm not enough good,I'm not important. I should just die. So I went back to the place were I got help but my new psychologist who is a student she not that experienced. She recommend to go to this place and I'm on the waiting list. The psycharaties said I have mild border line personatily disorder and he increased my meds. Sometimes when I'm really upset about something I get a voice in my head. Not a voice you can hear say if I was talking to you next to you but in my head.'saying everything be ok. Or don't worry. Sometimes I pray to God like my grandma is very sick she has bowel cancer and I had this voice in my head saying "not the second time" or say I pray for my sister and it will say "she be fine".

Other times if I get really upset or get killing thoughts this horrible man voice tells me to kill myself. I don't know if it's just my subconscious mind doing this or its spiritual attack. I also get vidi dreams of the devil like I had a horrible dream I had sex with a woman and I was man and it turn to be the devil goat. I know that my meds do give me vidi dream. Or I had other dream I made a deal with a fallen angel but I was man and th nfallen angle pulled a red string from my hand it was my life line and tied a key to it. That's why I thought to ask you.

My family on other hand gone through hard time. My grandma with cancer and then my counsin who is 30 with cancer then her brother hurt his back and rupture a disc and there other brother left his wife. Then my uncle my mum's brother there dog got hit by a car! and now his son he damaged his knee in rugby and might need surgery. My mum stressed and can't sleep and has bad daiherra and not feeling too well. My sister she had bad headaches and it affected her sight and she went to the eye specialist but they couldn't find anything wrong. She still gets head aches.

Off note one sin I keep doing and ashamed of is I look at porn.

I'm just worried it's some demon attack or someone voodooing us.

God bless

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r), CCL, LTh, DD, LNDC

Dear Alexandra:

I am sorry to hear about all these troubles. Much of what you are experiencing can be "just life." These sorts of things happen as part of life. Some people have more troubles than others.

But, as I have mentioned many times on these forums, even if the event or experience is not caused by the devil, which most are not, demons can hitchhike on these problems. Demons will do that to make the problems worse than they have to be and to hopefully cause discouragement or depression to get a person away from God.

This is where Spiritual Warfare Prayers are useful. I would suggest that you look at our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog, linked below. Prayers that I would specifically recommend are:

Hedge Prayer for Protection of Self

There are versions of these prayers for the household in the Catalog.

If other family members are willing to pray these prayers, it can help them too.

I would also suggest for you and other family members to go through the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance, linked below.

The first order of business, however, is to live the Catholic life as best as you know how. This means going to Mass each week and on Holy Days of Obligation (daily Masses if possible), adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (one hour per week if possible), Sacrament of Confession at least once per month, daily prayers and devotions, daily Bible reading, and trying to live a virtuous life in Christ.

Then in addition to this, to pray the spiritual warfare prayers that may help for your particular situation.

God loves you. He is there to help you and to comfort you, as is our Blessed Mother.

Hang in there. Perseverance is the key to the Christian life. We must always rest in the arms of God to accept our lot in life, even of suffering, while at the same time asking God for healing and deliverance. Until such time has we are healed or delivered, offer up our suffering for the salvation of souls.

We will also pray for you and for your entire family. We have a Prayer Team trained in spiritual warfare prayer who will pray for you from now on. You will be on our prayer list on a permanent basis.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

For information on how to receive help see our Help page. We suggest that before contacting us directly for help you try the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance. These self-help steps will often resolve the problem. Also our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog contains many prayers that may be helpful. If needed you can ask for a Personal Consultation.