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Crazy Noises and being called a jackass. Anne Saturday, April 30, 2016


One night I had a hard time falling asleep. When I started to fall asleep, a loud party horn sounded in my ear. It woke me up.

Then I started to fall asleep a little bit later, and the same thing happened. (I had a cold and found it hard to sleep.)

This morning I woke to a voice telling me "You are such a jackass!"

What do you think this is? The party horn sounded like the ones they use on New Years Eve, and no, it wasn't my nose.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r), CCL, LTh, DD, LNDC

Dear Anne:

Well, by itself it is hard to interpret. Noises can be a medical problem involving the ear or psychological issues involving dreams.

On the other-hand, this could have been a demonic attack. If this is all that happened and was a one-time event, i would not worry about it. Take it as a wake-up call that the devil is watching you. 

Live the good Christian life, the Christ-life, then you should be okay.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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