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Shadow People, the Hat Man, and my Personal Testimony Mark Thursday, May 12, 2016


Dear Brother Ignatius,

I'm posting my question and want to warn people about the new age. No matter what anyone says, the new age, occult, wicca, and satanism are connected and very dangerous.

I became involved in new age/occult 22 years ago. As I got deeper into it I stopped going to mass and confession. I bought into the lie that the Church was suppressing this hidden knowledge and that some people have special powers, and of course the Church doesn't want anyone to know about it. I stopped praying and stopped associating with my Catholic friends. Thanks be to God I was delivered from that lifestyle about 2 years later.

I got into dowsing because I wanted to live a healthy life and heal an ongoing medical problems. I also wanted to use these "powers" to help others with their health problems, and to help solve unsolved crimes. I believed they were powers that I was born with and needed to develop and I would become more accurate. I didn't believe they were from God, or that I was channeling them from some entity. I believed the information I was getting from my subconscious.

I mainly employed dowsing, but I also used tarot and other new age stuff. After a while I didn't need to use pendulums to get answers, it just came to me.

When I opened the door to the occult, I allowed entities to come through. I saw shadow people and heard voices in my house, I have never been diagnosed with any kind of mental illness and am completely sane.

The voices were male, and were coming from the opposite side of the house of where I was. They sounded like normal people talking, but no one was there.

I used to see shadow people at night, that would walk in one door of my bedroom and out in another on the opposite side through another doorway. Sometimes they would stop, look at me, and keep walking. Other times they would just walk through without acknowledging me.

One day one of those people walked up to me as I was laying in bed. I thought he looked like a priest, he wore what looked like a biretta and cassock. I could see him talking and he had something in his hand, I don't remember if it was a book or a crucifix. I couldn't hear him.

I was laying in bed and he was leaning over me. I never felt as scared as I did then. I couldn't move and felt like I was pinned to the bed. I literally thought he was going to kill me. I was told that he's called the "hat man."

Soon after that is when I returned to the faith and destroyed everything I used in my new age practice.

After confessing those sins and returning to the faith, I still saw the shadow people, and heard the voices, but never saw the hat man again. Those beings "haunted" me for the next 5 years I lived there, I got used to them and was no longer afraid of them. It stopped completely when I moved away.

Is it common among people who dabble to see and hear things? What is the significance of the hat man? Who or what is he?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r), CCL, LTh, DD, LNDC

Dear Mark:

Thank you for your testimony. I praise God that you were delivered from all that and that you are now back with God and His Church.

As to your question, yes, people who are foolish enough to dabble in the things like you did, and worse, will often see and hear things. The harassment can be more severe with doors opening by themselves, things flying across the room, and even direct attacks upon the person (scratches, bruises, rape, etc.)

I do not think there is any special significance to the "hat man". Demons often appear in ways that peck at our curiosity. We need to avoid such curiosity. The only thing we really need to know is that it is an evil spirit to rebuke and cast away from you.

Otherwise the only thing I can think of is the hat mimics the hats worn by priests in the old days. It may also just be a prop to engender fear. That hat makes the figure seem more ominous.

The long and the short of it is that this is a demon. We need to respond accordingly.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary 

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