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about the La Salette Apparitions James Tuesday, December 28, 2004


Dear brother,

I just want to ask if Melanie Calvat of La Salette has already been beatified because I read some article in the internet calling her "Blessed." Another thing is, are the faithful allowed to read the article "Secret of La Salette" because I read that it has been included on the Index of Forbidden Books. I hope that you can enlighten me on this matter. Thanks!

God bless!

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear James:

I believe La Salette has been officially approved by the Church. Here is a webpage for Our Lady of La Salette.

Melanie Calvat has be beatified. See her bio

I do not know what the article is that you refer to. Since the La Salette has been approved, I presume that it is okay to read the messages from our Lady. 

I understand thare are some controversies over La Salette, but I am really not familiar with them.

One note of caution. There are some wackos out there who have done with La Salette what they have done with Fatima -- claiming that the "secrets" have not been fully revealed. I always find this amuzing -- if it is a secret, how would THEY know if it has been fully revealed unless they were privy to the secrets themselves - they are SECRETS, afterall? :)

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


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