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RE: Your opinion of the purple scapular? Dave Wednesday, March 29, 2017


Dear Brother,

This is in reply to your question in your response to my original query.

Thank you for your reply and advice. Father Ripperger's endorsement/promotion of Marie-Julie Jahenny and the purple scapular comes almost at the end of the video on YouTube: "Spiritual Warfare Pt. 2 - Exorcist Fr. Chad Ripperger", in his reply to a question at 1:10:30. The link is below. I don't know where else he may promote them.

God bless.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r), LTh, DD

Dear Dave:

Thanks for the reference.

Since Marie-Julie Jahenny's private revelation has not been approved by the Church, we need to be very circumspect about it. If we do offer devotion to unapproved private revelations we need to be absolutely certain that we will drop the devotion if the Church's decision on it is negative.



It has been pointed out to me that Marie Julie Jahenny has indeed been approved by the Church. Thus, I make this correction and provide the following informtion:

The Church's position before this case was not unique: the Bishop Fournier, responsible for the diocese, knew and believed in the apparitions, the visionary who had had their origin and the mystical. On the death of Fournier, three weeks later, Marie Julie was excommunicated. After examination, the office of the holy Cardinal Rampolla was positively convinced of the sincerity of this mystical woman. The new bishop, however, decided not to recognize the groups in order to not to alienate its adverse clergy. Theologians and church experts, after examining her too, became convinced that the seer was not faking as many suspected. In 1888 Marie Julie was rehabilitated and then returned to the sacraments. The Church's position was very inconsistent in the face of this case: while the Bishop Le Fer de la Motte (1914-1955) was full of kindness towards the mystic, took care of the contacts, visited her and begged her to ask her prayers and the sin offering for the diocesan clergy; his successor, however, paid no attention to the seer. Almost all the ecstasies and contemplations of Marie Julie were noted, for many years in thousands of pages by Charbonnier and other brothers. Much has been lost in recent years of the seer, especially with the death of all family members, after having cared for over the last year when the mystic died. In 1972 he tried to retrieve all records that remained and were later published.

Source: Hierzenberger 1997 pp 226-227 

Also this information from Mystics of the Church:

Apparently, Monseigneur Fournier, the local Bishop of Nantes began an immediate investigation into the gradual appearances of Marie-Julie’s miraculous stigmata and her extraordinary ecstasies during the early 1870s when they first appeared, entrusting the necessary medical investigations to Doctor Imbert-Gourbeyre, a Professor at the Faculty of Medicine at Clermont-Ferrand. When he asked her what she saw when she received the stigmata she answered:

“When I received the stigmata, Our Lord appeared to me with radiant wounds, it was as if a sun surrounded them. A luminous ray came out of each Wound and struck my hands, feet and side, at the end of each ray there was a drop of red Blood. The ray that left the side of Our Lord was twice as wide as the others and was shaped like a lance. The pain I felt was great, but it lasted barely one second.”

The doctor quickly observed that in the case of Marie-Julie, her wounds were not of a natural or self-inflicted kind, and were indeed supernatural in origin, writing to the bishop that, “There was no fraud in La Fraudais.” Bishop Fournier also agreed with the doctor’s findings as seen by a letter he wrote to him on June 6th 1875:

“The reports that I receive daily on Marie-Julie show me more and more the action of God on this soul. He grants graces of an obvious supernatural order. At the same time she grows in virtue and noble sentiments. The natural and human disappear in her, and she often speaks to people she sees or who are referred to her giving instructions which are not in keeping with her normal state (in life). Therefore be confident, dear Doctor, the time will come when Marie-Julie herself will be the proof.... She is sincere: what she manifests is supernatural. I see nothing but good, edifying and in conformity with the principles of spirituality. Therefore it is God who favours her, you maybe sure it will turn out well.”

Special Note:

Those inclined to depart from Church in positing that the Ordinary Masss is invalid or tainted and use the prophecies of Marie Julie Jahenny as proof, need to put their bias on the back burner.

The seer stated: "I give you a warning. The disciples who are not of My Gospel are now working hard to remake according to their ideas, and under the influence of the enemy of souls, a Mass that contains words which are odious in My Sight."

This is not referring to the Oridinary (Vatican II) Mass, but to those who abuse the Mass with all sorts of liturgical abuses and unapproved innovations.

As Colin B. Donovan states in his EWTN Q&A in response to the question, "Is this prophecy true? If so, why should we not believe that it is referring to the devastating results of the liturgical reforms of Vatican II?

No it does not. If it did then the Church is defectable - capable of essential defects which would gut its salvific mission, and its doctrine is fallible. A Council or a Pope could make prudential errors short of that, but not the kinds of errors which would make that statement true.

There are really three Masses in the Church today. The Tridentine Mass, the current Rite of the Church and the Mass of those who abuse the reform and go their own way

Read his entire response here.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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