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ufo's charles Saturday, January 1, 2005


On some protestant websites, the topic of UFOs and alien encounters have been compared with the events of Genesis chapter (6?) in regards to the nephilim and the attempt to cross humans with demons... they claim that this may be part of a new deception that the devil is engineering today... possibly something that may affect mankind in the near future (deception of antichrist?) is there a Catholic perspective on this topic?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Charles:

The story of the Nephilim has nothing to do with angels or demons "mating" with human women. That is impossible. Angels and demons are pure spirit. They do not have any biology to which to impregnate a woman and only God can perform miracles as He did with the Virgin Mary.

The Nephilim are also not aliens from outer space. The Nephilim were probably a reference to an ancient myth popular at the time that there were giants who were the offspring of women who mated with beings of a higher order. This myth was used to stress the headway that sin and disorder had made that lead to God bringing the Flood.

St. Augustine, St. Cyril of Alexandra, and other Fathers suggests another interpretation that the "sons of God" were good men who were descendants of Seth who indiscriminately took as wives the corrupt descendants of Cain (the "daughters of men"). Thus the corrupting influence of women in the family line of Cain brought about the corruption so serious as to have God bring about the Flood.

As for the existence of UFO's, that is, people visiting from other planets, maybe we are being visited by people from other planets, maybe the UFO sightings are phenomena caused by angels or demons, maybe they are natural phenomena.

If there are people on other planets, regardless of whether or not they are visiting us, such a fact has NO EFFECT on the Faith whatsoever. God is the God of those ET's just as He is our God. God loves those ET's as much as He loves us. Christ died for those ET's as much as He died for us and for our salvation.

There is no threat to the Faith if ET's exist. Instead let us welcome our fellow children of God no matter what planet they come from.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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