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Entity Belise Saturday, January 20, 2018


Is anyone familiar or knowledgeable of demonic entity that causes people to drop things or make them fall? What is its name and the reasoning for its presence?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r), CCD, LTh, DD, LNDC

Dear Belise:

Sorry for the long delay in responding. My Father died on Christmas morning and I have been dealing with estate issues.

It is natural for people to drop things or to fall. Dropping things, or being clumsy, and also falling is often a factor of stress, fatigue, distraction, and similar natural causes. We should not so quickly attribute to the devil things a that have a usual and normal explanation.

If demons are involved in causing clumsiness or falls, it is to harass us. There are some demons who like to play tricks on us or bother us in such fashion merely to harass us and aggravate us. The demons will be delighted if with cuss or blaspheme God in our frustration.

There is no particular name for such demons. Any demon can do this and some seem to specialize in it. I call these demons "mosquitto" demons as they are a nuisance. 

The Church, by the way, does not allow us to ask a demon its name. We do not need to know the demon's name. That is reserved to solemn exorcism by a priest. Instead, in our prayer, we can rebuke a demon by his attribute, such as "I rebuke you spirit of clumsiness".

See our Rebuking Particular Spirits prayer in our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog linked below.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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