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Cursed object Antonio Wednesday, January 12, 2005


My friend is troubled. Please take all I say into account. She is a believer (not Catholic + does not know I am asking advice.

She owns a witchdoctor's headdress, which was given to her when she lived in Papua New Guinea 25 years ago. An acquaintance came to her home + asked her to keep something in a bag for him. She did not look at it. The man, who had stolen it, died the next day of a heart attack while driving. She kept it + took it home to Hong Kong some time later. On their return to PNG her husband, in his 40s and in perfect health, felt ill + died 2 hours after leaving the plane.

Since then too many things have happened that could show this as co-incidence: the uncle she stayed with after her husband's death died suddenly; another friend who had been keeping it, and his wife, died after becoming ill; both her children have had cancer; fire has broken out in her home 3 times, always after she has hidden the headdress from view in a cupboard or trunk.

Now the man she hoped to marry, who had been holding it for her, has been diagnosed with Motor Neurone disease + has 12-18 months to live.

She consulted experts in tribal traditions, confidentially, found out that this article held all his magic + would need to be returned. A few years ago a priest ,I guess Anglican, exorcised her house, and when he entered told her he sensed an evil presence in the house. She showed him all the objects she had collected on her world travels, but not this thing, I guess probably as she knew she shouldn't have it.

She is afraid to destroy it, as she has been told that she would die + if she keeps it + dies anyway, the curse will pass to her family.
I KNOW the Church tells us to give no credence to curses and superstitions, but I cannot ignore that all these things have happened.

I think if I contacted any Catholic priest, the chances are I would not be taken seriously. I would be afraid to destroy it myself. What can I do?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Antonio:

I do not know who told you that the Church does not take curses seriously. The Church takes them very seriously. Curses are one of the most often caused reasons for demonization that exorcists and deliverance counselors contend with.

Neither you or she should be afraid. God is more powerful than any curse or any magic.

These objects MUST be burned and destroyed immediately. Use the following procedure:

1) Bless the objects with Holy Water

2) Destroy the objects so that it no longer resembles what it was. If burnable, then burn it, if glass is break it up into pieces, if some other material, take it apart or damage it as best you can.

3) Dig a hole in the ground and place the remains of the objects in the hole, sprinkle the remains with Holy Water once more, place a St. Benedict medal on top of the remains, and then pray the following prayer:

Father in heaven, we ask you to bind and cast away from our entire family and all those who have come into contact with these material any demonic entities that may have been attached to these materials. We plead the blood of Jesus over these materials and take back any ground the Evil One may have snatch from us because of the presence of these materials in our home. Strengthen, O Lord, the hedge of protection around our family and around each of us. Bless our family, O Lord. Help is to love You more. We also ask that you be with the person who gave us these materials and free them from any bondage. Help them to understand Your ways and bless them. We ask these things with the intercessions of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, Blessed St. Michael the Archangel, and all the Saints and Angels of Heaven, and powerful in the Holy and Mighty name of your Son, Jesus Christ, whose name causes hell to tremble. Amen.

Since the person who originally owned these objects is dead, replace the phrase - We also ask that you be with the person who gave us these materials and free them from any bondage - with - We also ask that you be with the poor soul who gave us these materials and have mercy upon them.

4) Fill in the hole burying the remains of the materials.

5) Forget about it, it is gone.

Keep in mind that this procedure is not magick. The primary power of the sacramentals (holy water and the medal) is in your faith. The sacraments do have a secondary effect in that they are items that have been blessed and made holy by God. Demons do not like being around such things.

Destroying the item so that it no longer resembles what it once was removes the attachment that it had for the demons, or the curse, or whatever.

Even with blessed items like a Rosary, once the Rosary falls apart or is taken apart and no longer resembles a rosary, the blessing that was attached to the Rosary is no longer there.

Bury it in the ground as the earth has this symbolizes a cleansing from the good earth.

If there is any demonic repercussions from doing this remember the God promises that nothing will be allowed into your life that you cannot handle. The devil is the author of fear -- BE NOT AFRAID. We can help you if there are any repercussions.

After doing all this, then your family members need to renounce these things and take back the ground Satan stole and pray hedge prayers of protection, etc. that are all found in the Prayer Catalog linked below.

May God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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