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Unforgivable Sin - Dream Joe Sunday, September 15, 2019


My friend told me she had a dream when she was younger (in her teen years) that she claims was from God. The voice said "I am God", and told her in the dream that she was meant to be together (through birth rights) with this guy she went to school with.

Now a little background between the guy and my friend before the dream occurred -- my friend said she did love the guy when they were in school together, but after awhile, he played games with her heart, and was rude to her. So she ended up not liking him any longer / didn't want anything to do with him. But then the guy decided to grow a liking to her more and more, and sought to pursue her.

So with the dream, the voice said to my friend that within 3 years, if she did not tell the guy about the dream, it would be an unforgivable sin. The voice also mentioned that this would be revealed to the guy in a dream as well, which it did.

My friend claims that there were many signs / odd coincidences that she had encountered throughout those 3 years to entice her to tell him about the dream and how they were supposed to be together. This includes that after the first year, the ring she lost a while ago (apparently a crown of thorns ring) appeared on her finger when she woke up one day. Additionally, after the 3 years were up, she had severe pain in her heart to the point where she couldn't leave the house.

So, my friend never told the guy, and went against the voice. The guy revealed to my friend after the 3 years were up that he had a dream, which was the same one she had, and told her she was going to hell because she never told him.

Recently, she had another dream, and the voice told her that it was still unforgivable.

She continues to bring it up to me day after day. She is even thinking about not going through with her marriage next year because of this. I try to console her that this is not from God, and that either Satan or a demon is trying to get her to despair over God (in my judgement). There is no fruit in all this. She says she understands, but then she doesn't because she goes back to saying something along the lines of "...well the Holy Spirit was prompting me to tell the guy about the dream, but I didn’t listen to God. I'm not forgiven." And she references Mark 3:28-29 to claim she is not forgiven by her actions.

She has talked with priests about this during confession, and even our Bishop, but they have all continually said to her that it’s just a dream, and that God forgives her for not knowing either way.

I’ve never heard of any such revelation like this before coming from God, and I'm certain it isn't from God, but I don't know what power Satan and demons truly have in this realm.

Any thoughts on this?

Thank you!

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r), CCD, LTh, DD, LNDC

Dear Joe:

The voice your friend heard was the devil. Nothing in this scenario is the unforgivable sin.

The unforgivable sin is to deliberately and with full choice of will refuse God's grace and offer of forgiveness at the point of death. It is unforgivable because one dies rejecting God. There is no option for repentance and salvation after death -- hence it is unforgivable.

As long as we are alive God does all He can to bring us to His friendship. But, God will not force us. If we do not want His heaven, it is our choice.

What this "voice" is telling your friend in these dreams is a bald-faced lie. Satan is the father of lies. She needs to ignore the dreams, or more, she needs to rebuke the demons behind the dreams. There is a rebuking prayer in the Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog, linked below.

It sounds like the devil has successfully messed with her mind. Pray for her mind to be cleared of all the fog of the devil so she can see the truth with clarity. We will pray for her also.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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