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Communication From the Deceased Linda Thursday, January 27, 2005


Dear Brother Ignatius;

Is it possible for a person to acquire specific personality traits, tastes, and habits that differ from his own, but were indigenous to someone deceased when he was alive?

I am dealing with a situation where this seems to be the case. The affected person had never met the deceased person while alive. I have researched extensively, and exhausted all the possibilities I am aware of. This person is down to earth and well-grounded in reality; I've known him most of my life. I know that demons can imitate the deceased, but in this case they would have to be inside the person. I don't believe it's diabolical because this person is happier, more productive, more at peace, and has grown closer to God since the change.

At this point my best guess is that this is some sort of communication from the deceased to this particular person ordained/allowed by God for His mysterious reasons.

You can probably guess that the story is quite long; the wonder defies words. I would appreciate greatly your feedback and expert opinion on this matter. God bless you and your wonderful apostolate.

Thank You,

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Linda:

Our personalities are a product of the soul individually created by God and infused into our bodies at conception, genetics, the environment in which we were raised, the experiences we have throughout life, and our faith and devotion to God, if any.

It is not possible for another entity to infuse his own personality into another person. Those persons who are demonized may certain exhibit a change in personality but this comes from the demonic oppression. Change in personality can happen due to mental illness. Change in personality can happen due to brain damage or traumatic experiences or ecstatic (born-again type) experiences. Personality can change when a person is filled with the Spirit and is healed of personality problems. Personality can change when a person is filled with the Spirit so as to change their outlook on life. Same thing can occur with near-death experiences.

But is it not possible for a "person to acquire specific personality traits, tastes, and habits that differ from his own, but were indigenous to someone deceased when he was alive" in the sense of being infused in the person by the deceased person.

First of all, it may only seem like this person has the same traits as the deceased person. The way the brain works in situations like this is that you may notice a few similar traits to the deceased person in your friend but the brain goes further and presumes that your friend has all the traits or the exact traits as the deceased person when he does not. The brain is very presumptive in this way.

It would take a controlled scientific study to truly ascertain if your friend has really developed the same personality traits as the deceased person that is beyond coincidence.

The Law of Coincidence is a strange thing. Circumstances that one cannot possibly think is a coincidence can in fact fit within the parameters of the Law of Coincidence.

If the person is happier, more productive, more at peace, and has grown closer to God since the change perhaps the person had an experience with God that woke him up. Afterall Godly people will exhibit at least some similar personality traits since to be filled with the Spirit is to have one mind -- the mind of Christ.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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