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Vision of the Coming of Christ? Angela Thursday, January 27, 2005


Dear Brother Ignatiaus,

At the moment you are my only help within the Church with matters of this nature. I am writing to you again with regard to a 'dream' I had last night. Its not like the other ones which I have discribed to you previously...this one was different.

It started as follows: I was in my home looking out of the Kitchen window when I noticed how big the sun looked, so I went outside to have a look and noticed that the moon was beside the sun and exactly the same size. The moon started to 'Bleed' and the sun caught 'Fire', they started rapidly spinning and then crashed into each other becoming one. At this point, there was complete darkness, no stars, nothing. The silence was haunting. Then came a really loud roar of thunder and an enormous flash of lightning, I felt terrified, and I knew that He was coming, I called to Michael repeatedly and he eventually came. I asked him if this was basically it and he said , "You have seen what will come to be shortly". Then I woke up. This has really frightened me. I do not understand why I keep having dreams of satan, demons, Angels and now this!?! Why? Am I missing something? Was this a vision Brother? Have I been given the privilege to see what will happen? Please help me and pray for me.

With Love and Blessings In Jesus Christ, Our Lord


Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Angela:

This sounds like nothing more than a dream sourced in the information you have picked up about the "end times". It is an expression of your fear.

As I mentioned before, fear is the issue. The common thread in these dreams is fear.

BE NOT AFRAID! Trust in God. Find the source of your fear. Do you need more faith, trust in God more? Once the fear is resolved these dreams will go away.

Trust in God Angela for all things.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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