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What is it Margaret Monday, January 31, 2005



All my life I have just known things. I don't know how or why. For example, I always know when some one is telling the truth or not. I always know when I maybe in danger or not. I know things about friends before they even tell me. For instance, they are pregnant or having trouble. I can almost feel if someone is "up to no good" as my grandmother would say. I usually can pick up the phone and say hello "who ever.” It some times upset people who don't know me.

I have had many strange things happen in my life. My car breaking down in the middle of absolutely nowhere and some one just happened to appear-almost literally, to help my girls and me.

When I asked them to look for him to thank him--- he was gone. I don't want to say I hear voices in my head but a few years ago I was very sick-almost died. I prayed very hard to live. I felt some one or something touch my hand and say "all is well sleep now when you wake you will be better" Sure enough the doctor woke me up sometime later to say they found the cause of my illness.

I know someone watches over me. My whole life I felt I have a special purpose to fulfill. However, my life has been one big catastrophe after another. I don't like to get around many people it is almost as if I can feel who they are good or bad-It is very hard to explain. I do know I have learned to listen to whom ever it is that guides me.

Many times, I get exhausted to the point I have to go home and sleep when I am around some people. It is almost as if they drain the life out of me. I though I was always just imagining it all until my daughter started to grow up and exhibit the same things.[I never spoke to her about any of this] She even told me once while at my mothers grave that my mother was speaking to her from heaven. I thought at first she was going to say she told me to buy her a toy or something but she didn't. She started to say tings she could not have possible known.

What is it about us? What makes us so different? I know it is not evil. Although, I did have a terrible experience at a church I never attended before. I will save that for another email. It upsets me just thinking on it now.

Can you possible explain all of this? If so, what do I do with it? What is the purpose of it? How do I know what it is I am meant to do with it?

Sorry this is so long. I just don't speak of this much and really want to find an answer because the older I get the stronger it becomes.

Peace be with you,

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Margaret:

Well, I would problaby need to speak to you personally to really answer your question about the nature of your experiences.

In general, the experience of knowing why someone is up to no good, then they are pregnant and things like that can be explained by an acute ability to observe body language. All those things can be discerned in body language. You just may have a super-sensitive ability to discern that body language.

The experience of the car breaking down an a mysterious stranger helping you could be coincidence or it could be your Guardian Angel. Those things happen.

As for the rest, I would have to reserve judgment until such time as I was able to talk with you in detail. The experience could be from God or not, I do not know.

You may want to consider making an appointment for talk with me on the phone. I can call you to save you long distance. I may or may not be on sabbatical for a couple of months starting this week, I am not sure yet.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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