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Lunar Chart Hair Care Jessica Thursday, February 17, 2005


Dear Brother,

Thank you for entertaining my question. Some people I have been talking with are using the Morrocco Method Lunar Chart for trimming their hair. Supposedly there are certain dates to trim your hair to either speed or retard growth, strengthen the hair, etc. It all sounds like hogwash to me, but the people who use it are convinced that they are seeing extraordinary results.

After looking into it, I found out that the originator of this method has studied under Eastern spiritualities and divines the trimming dates using astrology. My first impression is that it is all just nonsense, but since it is based on astrology and eastern spiritualities could there be a spiritual danger to those who follow it?


Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Jessica:

Sheesh.. I have never heard of anything (so stupid) as this. I wonder what is next? A Lunar Chart to determine when to blink eyes? :)

The answer to your question is Yes -- there is a spiritual danger. The use of astrology and similar things opens a potential door to allow the devil to come in.

One should avoid all forms of divination, which is an abomination to God, including reading one's horoscope in the newspaper and parting one's hair according to astrological charts, for pete sake.

Your first impression is correct, this is nonsense, but it can be a dangerous nonsense.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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