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Evil Spirits masquerading as humans Ramundo Tuesday, March 20, 2007


I just read a new spiritual warfare book, "Dear Heatemup". The author says that evil spirits can take on human appearances, like lusty women, to deceive man.

Is that true?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Ramundo:

We know from the Bible that it is possible for angels (demons are angels, fallen angels) to appear in human form. The story of the "visitors" to Lot at Sodom reveals this possibility. (Genesis 19)

Angels, or demons, appearing in human form is, however, an extremely rare thing. The chances of seeing a demon in human form are about the same as the changes of you being run over by a bus while at the same time being stuck by lightning, while holding the winning lottery ticket in one hand and in the other hand holding a personal invitation from the Pope to have a private breakfast with him in the Papal Apartments. Oh, there is also a note that the Papal Jet will pick you up at the airport along with 25 of your closest friends, all expenses paid. :)

What is more likely is meeting an actual human being inspired by the demons to do their bidding. We may come up against that on a far more regular basis than we realize. Such a person does not have to be "possessed," merely open to demonic inspiration.

By the way, the "lusty woman" demon is called a succubi. Succubus are demons who sexually attack men usually while they are sleeping. Incubus are demons who sexually attack women.

I have actually been physically attacked by a succubi. In this case there was no physical apparition or appearance. All I saw was a black void. After invoking the prayer, "In the name of Jesus Christ, be gone" three times, the thing left. The thing attacked me in revenge for trying to help a demonized client to be free of the demon.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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