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funeral homes Linda Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Dear Bro. Ignatius;

Here is another question for you :) Many years ago in our local paper there was an article about the priest who was the exorist of the diocese coming to do a blessing or maybe an exorism of a home that used to be a funeral home long ago. It mentioned that the people that lived there didn't know it had been a funeral home and that there was a hole in the basement for embalming. They were seeing people walking around at different times of the day and called a priest in. My question is do certain houses attract demons to them? Why simply because the home used to be a funeral home would that invite demons to go there? Funeral homes are places where the dead are respected. What do you think?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Linda:

Demons can be attracted to certain houses, such as those in which occultic rituals were performed or houses where there was violence or some other evil acts performed.

Since a funeral home is a place where the dead are prepared for burial I suppose it is possible that the purgatorial spirits may linger there (see Seven Kinds of Ghosts), and perhaps demons posing as the dead may linger.

But generally speaking I do not see why a Funeral Home should attract demons in particular.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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