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Uriel the Archangel Clement Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Hi, I've stumbled across this website when I was searching the web for st.michael chaplet. This site is very helpful, keep up the good work guys!

I've got a question. While searching the net for Archangel Michael, I've come across links to Archangel Uriel. I''ve never heard of this angel and I would like your expert view on this. Is this 'angel' mentioned anywhere in the bible? What is the catholic church's official teaching on it? Thanks alot ppl, may God bless you all.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Clement:

I am glad to hear that our site is useful to you.

By the way, I like you name, Clement. Your namesake, Pope Clement I, is important in Catholic apologetics. Pope Clement wrote a letter to the Church in Corinth around AD 86 chastising them and telling them to shape up. Since he asserted episcopal authority over a Church not in his diocese of Rome it proves with historical documentation that Popes in the first century did indeed assert authority universally as Pope (supreme Pontiff).

Anyway, on to your question.

The Church only recognizes the names of three angels: Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael. These three are the only angels mentioned by name in the Bible.

Uriel is one of the Archangels of rabbinical angelology mentioned in apocryphal texts such as Esdras, Enoch and Ezra. Uriel is also mentioned in the Hebrew Midrash, which contains commentaries on the Tanakh(Jewish Bible).

Uriel is a common "angel" recognized in many New Age and spiritualist groups and some groups so bizarre to be beyond description.

Since the Church only recognizes Sts. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael we should avoid referring to other named angels.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


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