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Does St. Michael provide protection from demonic attacks? diane Thursday, May 3, 2007


Every day I do fall short of the service I would to do. I made the decision to work at a High school 2 years ago. My three children go to Christian school. My daughter is now with me at this high school. It is public. I have prayer St Francis posted have shown Joan of Arc and have a small Cross in my room. These items are my reminders of strength. I teach French so yes I mention Christmas and historal Saint days and monuments.

Most, no all of this seemed right to me because France at one was a country of Faith and this effected their countries history. Even the Fleur de Lis, like the shamrock was an original visual of the Holy Trintity.

Now our family is being attacked in the press,. My husband after 18 years is so angry with me and wants a divorce, I find myself not focusing on my own children the way I should be. I went to doctor for help because I never sleep bad dreams and Im becoming addicted to the medications he prescribed.

I am not standin strong as I once did. I feel alone I know this will never be true. but for the time in my life I can not pick up my Bible. Our family needs help I love Jesus. I just can not feel him here. I should be stronger during this dark night of the soul. Please don't laugh at when I can sleep I have seen shadows. I get down on my knees and pray..... but I admit a sin I have felt fear
Sincerely, and Blessings


Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Diane:

I am sorry to hear of these troubles. Without knowing a lot more about you it is difficult to comment about what is going on. But if these spiritual attacks (as well as the human attacks in the press, etc) are a result of your bringing a Christian heritage of France into your classroom, then this may well indeed include a demonic element.

Fear, of course, is not of God. You need not fear the spiritual attacks no matter how frightening they may be (if that makes sense).

If all this is coming from your stand in the classroom, the initial troubles may be from human beings (vis à vie, complaints from administers, parents, the public, the press). Those troubles are purely human. But, demons love to hitchhike on problems that already exist. While the problems themselves may not be demonically caused, the devils may certainly try to make things worse than they have to be.

To the possibility of a demonic involvement in this spiritual warfare prayers are warranted. I would certainly pray the Hedge Prayer of Protection around your family. Also Rebuking prayers against the demons of fear, for example. These are in the Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog linked below.

In addition, you need to ask God for strength and realize that in your weakness you are strong in Christ, as St. Paul teaches us.

You need to also remember that God promises that nothing will come into your life that you cannot handle. That may be hard to believe, but this is a promise of God. Since God is not a liar we can trust His promises.

Another promise God makes is that while not every experience in life will be good, He will "make lemonade out of the lemons" if we let him.

These are promises we can trust because God is not a liar.

We must persevere through our trials and tribulations, even when it seems God has abandoned us, because we KNOW that God has not abandoned us. How do we know? Because He promises He will never do so and He does not lie.

Hang on. God loves you. You will be rewarded eventually for your determination and stand. But you must persevere and trust in Him.

If you need more specific help with the possible demonic harassment issues, please contact me.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

For information on how to receive help see our Help page. We suggest that before contacting us directly for help you try the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance. These self-help steps will often resolve the problem. Also our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog contains many prayers that may be helpful. If needed you can ask for a Personal Consultation.