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Questions from a Satanist Demensira Sunday, May 6, 2007


Lets start by a short explaination and I'll try to be as frank as possible. I'm not the best writer however so please bear with me.

How to start off... Well, I'm a satanist. Not the lucifarian, or LaVay kind. I serve Satan. So allow me to give you a quick history, it might be useful if you decide to answer.

I have always been a satanist. I cannot remember a time that I didn't pray to Lucifer. My first memories directly relating to this was my first communion. I only remember because I wondered if anyone could tell durring the ceremony, which probably means the decision was made sometime before that event.

I'm not unhappy with my choice. I am not a violent person. My life is good, I have a good job, a nice family - I have never drank or done drugs, and I really don't relate it to any psychiatric issuses. Trust me, I've always wondered why I feel this way... which has led me me to investigate, but to no avail. I practice alone, because lets be honest - Most people who are interested in this path lack the will or conviction to stay with it for any measurable amount of time. I've been practicing for nearly 20 years. I'm your typical working wife - except for this aspect of my life. I've only ever told one person (described below).

Now don't get me wrong. I'm not ignorant to the reprocussions of my choice. I don't believe I get anything for myself out of service except eternal damnation, pain and suffering. No chair at the head of the table in hell. And yet I carry on with everyday life and I am comfortable with this.

Why? Why would god allow a child to make a decision like this? Why does it comfort me and give me satisfaction?

I recently sought the council of a priest, because these questions have been on my mind for some time. But my own discomfort prevented me from being as frank with the man as I would have liked to be. I did tell him my situation, but lets be honest, you have a better chance of winning the powerball a few times then someone like myself walking in and sitting down with a priest. So, I doubt I was taken seriously.

There is nothing like the feeling of separating someone from god. Temptation, sin - I really have no idea how to describe the feeling. But it is intoxicating.

I'm the one people usually come to for advice, but I have no one to turn to on this subject.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Demensira:

Your question as to why God allows a child to make a decision like this is because He loves you.

God gave us the freedom to choose because loves us and thus gave us the capacity to love. Love cannot be forced. Love must be chosen. If your husband or children were "forced" to love you, would you consider that true love?

Without the freedom to choose we would be mere puppets or animals and not human beings. But, with the freedom to choose love there is the corresponding ability to choose against love. With the freedom to choose God also comes the ability to choose against God.

Lucifer and the angels were given this choice, too. God loved them too and He did not wish them to worship Him out of obligation, but to freely love Him. Thus, he gave the angels the freedom to choose. Lucifer and one third of the angels chose against God and thus became "fallen angels" and sin was brought into the spiritual realm.

Man was given an ultimate freedom to choose in the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve chose to rebel against God thus creating the "original sin" that brought sin into the material realm.

Today, each of us has a choice. Each day, each second we can choose God or choose against God. It is our choice. God takes the chance of us choosing against Him because that is the only way that we an choose to love Him. Love is a choice, not a demand, and certainly not forced.

Why you as a little girl made that choice, I do not know. I would have to interview you extensively to try to figure that out.

It is possible that you becoming a Satanist at such a young age may have involved the choices of other people in your life.

One of the side-effects of having the freedom to choose, is that we can be positively or negatively affected and effected by other people's choices. If a person broke into my office right now and killed me that would be a result of his choice to kill me. It would not because God was judging me, or the Satan was zapping me, it would be because the murderer made a choice and I suffered the consequences of his choice.

This may not seem fair, but the economy of choice requires it. If we are to have the freedom of choice, then we have the ability to abuse that choice to hurt ourselves or others. It can be no other way. The only alternative is to not have the choice and to therefore cease being human.

If there was no choice, then the angels would have been forced to worship God. You would then not have a Satan to worship because Satan would still be in heaven as Lucifer forced to worship God against his will.

If there was no choice, then Adam and Eve would have been forced to obey God and would be slaves, puppets, or mere animals rather than genuinely human beings -- and we would be the same.

Perhaps someone in your life taught you to be a Satanist, or placed a curse on you, or otherwise did something that created the situation in which you found yourself in Satanism.

Whatever happened back then when you were a little girl is not irreversible. You have the ability to make a new choice now. You can choose to abandon Satan and return to God. It is your choice.

You say that you understand the consequences of your choice to be a Satanist -- that of eternal damnation. Well, change that course. Make a choice to return to God. God will accept you in a nanosecond. He will embrace you. He loves you. Make the choice for God and abandon the 'ol liar and hatemonger Satan.

Satan does not love you, he can love no one. It is not in his nature to love. His nature is to hate and to destroy. His desire is to destroy you in hell.

Think about why you feel comfortable with your Satanism? The devil has a vested interest in influencing your emotions to be satisfied with your life as a Satanist. If you felt differently he might lose you. The devil does not wish to lose you but to take you to hell with him.

I am sure that Satan does not like the fact that you have asked this question on this forum. He might chastise you for doing this. I may get beat up a little by the devil for answering your question. Satan does not want the status quo to change, thus he will see to it you are comfortable in your life without God, for now. In hell it will be a different story.

Even though you feel comfortable with your life, you can still choose to change it. Adults do that all the time. If we have any degree of maturity we often choose something different than what is comfortable. We choose to work even if we hate our jobs because we have to pay the bills. We choose the pain of exercise when we would prefer lounging comfortably on the couch. We choose to not have sex with other people other than our spouse even though it may feel good and be exciting. We choose against our comfort all the time.

Do not rely on your emotions; emotions can fool us. Satan can manipulate our emotions so that what we feel is not really coming from us. Rather make a decision of will based upon what you KNOW to be true ("I don't believe I get anything for myself out of service except eternal damnation, pain and suffering").

Even though you are comfortable with being a Satanist now, will you be comfortable with eternal damnation, pain, and suffering? You cannot tell me you look forward to that future? Not really.

That future does not have to be your future. You can choose differently.

I have no idea why you grew up this way. Maybe you will never know the details of that. But you are not frozen in that choice. You have the freedom to choose God today.

I understand the intoxication. Sin is intoxicating. One time I asked my daughter when she was 13 year old why she insisted in listening to heavy metal music. She agreed that the lyrics were terrible and the lyrics of "Christian" heavy metal were great. Yet, she still preferred the evil-oriented heavy metal. When I asked her why she would not listen to the Christian heavy metal she replied, "It has no power."

Evil has a perception of power. But that is an illusion. If Evil truly had power then why was Lucifer and his minions unsuccessful in overthrowing God? Why were they forced out of of heaven? They did not seem to have much power against God! God is ALL POWER. Satan is a weak, puny, powerless bum compared to God.

True power comes from love, not hate, not sin, not intoxication. True power comes from God.

Yes, sin is intoxicating. So is alcohol. If you drink to intoxication do you really have the power to drive safely with your kids in the car? Do you really have the power to take care of your kids properly? Do you have the power to think clearly? A drunk might think he can fly and walk off the top of a building. Intoxicated people often think they are invincible. They are not.

Intoxication is not a good thing. It does not give us power, but only a illusion of power. It does not give us freedom, but puts us into slavery.

It is time to grow up, Demensira. It is time to make adult decisions based on what you need to do, rather than on what feels good or is comfortable. It is time to be sober so that you may live in freedom and not delusion, illusion,  and slavery to intoxication.

It is time for you to make a choice. Choose God. He is waiting for you with open arms.

May God bless you. He loves you. He is waiting for you.

Bro. Ignatius Mary



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