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How should I deal with temptations against faith? Jim Monday, May 7, 2007


For the past few weeks, I've been having tremendous difficulty believing in the Truths of the Faith (i.e. God's existence, etc.). It's been largely on-and-off: sometimes I feel that I believe, sometimes I'm not so sure. I really want to believe (as evidenced by my asking for advice on a public forum), but I'm really struggling. Every time I try praying, a thought enters my mind that calls into question if there even is a God who hears my prayers. I'd appreciate some practical advice as to what I should do.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Jim:

The advice I just gave to Dylan in the question posted just before this one may apply to you too.

You need to focus on the fact that God does not lie. You know the truths of the Faith, thus keep what you KNOW in focus. Ignore the feelings of doubt.

As to the existence of God, there is more than enough evidence to prove the existence of God. The creation itself is a testimony of God. The change in the lives of men and women throughout history is a testimony of God. The fact that people will give up their lives joyfully in martyrdom for the faith is a testimony for God (Muslim suicide bombers are not martyrs, they are murderers).

St. Thomas Aquinas proved God philosophically with the arguments of First Mover and First Cause, for example. Physics teaches us that an object at rest will stay at rest unless a force is applied to it. What is the first mover? Who got things moving? There had to be some entity that was eternally in motion to be the first mover of the material world. If our universal started with a big bang, who ignited the first spark?

The same with the First cause. We can say A caused B, and B caused C, and C caused D and so forth. But what caused A to begin with? There had to be something "before" the first causal event to cause the first causal event.

Such logic argues for the existence of God.

But, all the logic, science, philosophy, and anecdotal stories will not absolutely prove God. But they will bring us far enough. The last step must be faith.

There is a story of a man hanging onto a branch off the side of a cliff. the branch is about to break and he will fall to his death.

The man calls out to heaven, "God are you there? The branch is breaking and I will fall to my death. Save me."

Nothing happens.

The man calls out a second time, "God, please are you there? I am about to die. Save me?"

Nothing happens.

The man calls out a third time and this time God answers him, "Yes, son, I am here."

"Is that you God?" the man inquires.

"Yes, son, it is the Lord your God."

"God the branch is about to break and I will die, save me," the man pleads.

God replies, "I will save you son, but first you must let go of the branch."

The man thinks for a moment. He then looks up to heaven and asks, "Is there anyone else up there?"

Ultimately, we must let go of the branch and THEN God will catch us.

You can know that God exists because of the testimony of the ages and of the Church and the Bible. You may not feel it to be true, but you can know it to be true. God has placed the knowledge of Himself in the hearts of every soul. Dig into your soul and you will find the knowledge of Him.

In the final step, let go and God will catch you. Give Him a mustard seed of faith, and He will reward you with Faith overflowing.

A mustard seed is about the size of this dot: .

The devil may also try to intrude upon your thoughts. When that happens pray:

"Father, I reject these thoughts that are against you. Cast away from me the enemy that would seek to confuse me and make me doubt. Give me faith, Lord. Amen."

May God Bless you,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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