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Re: Will you be comfortable? Demensira Monday, May 7, 2007


You asked if I would be comfortable with eternal damnation.

We can agree that my outlook on existence isn't exactly 'normal'. I really can't help but wonder when I seem to be the only one who thinks this way. (Although this may not be true, I've never met anyone personally.)

As a matter of fact I am comfortable with it. Surprising - even to myself. I do actually look forward to it.

But I'm not a sadist, not a masochist and most certainly not suicidal. I'm a rational person. If I don't understand something, I usually go out and inquire. But honestly, this is the one thing I simply cannot explain, and it's driving me crazy. Things should make some type of logical sense, but even I can't give a good reason for this.

I expect nothing and will receive nothing. I don't do anything I do because of some delusion of power. My contempt for god is enough that even the idea of 'switching sides' is enough to make me wretch. The only ones I have ever been willing to humble myself before are Satan and the things that serve Him.

Regardless of how insignficant He is compared to god.

Although I am not willing to physically, mentally or emotionally harm most people. (Ending up in jail wouldn't exactly put me in a good position. Instant gratification just isn't what this is all about.) Morally and spiritually I'm willing to rake anyone over the coals. Those are the things that make my mouth water.

So I have to ask again, why? In all honesty, god has never done anything to me to earn my contempt and yet that is all I feel toward him. None of this makes any sense what-so-ever. And I strongly dislike things that don't make sense.

I'm aware how emotion can be used to serve a purpose. Compassion is my personal favorite. But that doesn't change the fact that emotions are also what separates us from the animals. They're what drives us, and they can feel impossible to us ignore. No one is immune to this, most definitely not me.

I need insight, not unsublte attacks on my maturity.

(Hope this isn't a double post!)

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Demensira:

There was no attempt to insult your maturity. My point, perhaps made badly, was that we are not enslaved by the decisions and emotions of our youth. Whatever decisions made or emotions felt in our youth remain in our youth. As adults we can make other choices and we can rise above those youthful emotions.

What makes us different than the animals is not emotions per sé. Emotions are intricately tied to biology. At least animals with higher order brain development, who are also biological beings, do have emotions to one degree or another (e.g., fear, comfort, anger, etc.). 

The one thing that animals do not have that humans do is a rational soul. Humans have the ability for high ordered reason. We have the capacity to rise above our passions and emotions and comfort-zones and make decisions based upon reason. No matter how hard it might be to do that sometimes, we have the capacity as humans to do it.

As adult humans we also have the capacity to know and to accept the consequences of our decisions and actions. Children do not really have this ability to any high degree, but we as adults do, or should. That was my other point about the child/adult thing. Your understanding and emotions as a child may not have been able to cope with these things, but now you can cope with and understand since you are no longer a child.

All of us deal with things like this. We all carry baggage from our childhood. We all carry emotions from our childhood into adulthood. This is a normal thing common to the human race. It is not a comment about you personally.

What we all have to do is to put aside that baggage, those emotions, and those understandings of our youth and move forward in our lives taking responsibility for our actions.

You seem to be perfectly willing to accept the responsibility of the consequences of your choice, even if that choice leads to your damnation. Actually, I respect that. I wish more Christians would have an equal acceptance of the choices they make.

But, to your original question as to why God would allow a child to make such a choice, that I have already answered -- free will (either of the child's or of those around the child). Even if the Satanism was someone forced upon you as a child, and your emotions manipulated (which by the way is possible given the information you have given me about yourself), that does not preclude the ability you have NOW to choose differently.

The consequences of your choice for Satan include the comfort you feel. As I have already mentioned, the devil has a vested interest in seeing to it that you feel comfortable even with the idea of damnation. Nevertheless, you can, if you wish, rise above that comfort-zone and choose differently.

By the way, you mention the illogic of your comfort in your fate. One of the things you will need to accept as a Satanist, if you choose to remain a Satanist, is that Satan is not always logical. His ways of doing things can be quite arbitrary. We can go nuts trying to figure the devil out in this regard. Sometimes we just have to accept that the devil can be arbitrary and do things for no apparent reason. I have had to explain that a hundred times to clients who come to me to get the devil off their backs. They want to know why. Sometimes there just isn't an answer to why. It just is. This is true for you too. If you try to figure out the whys, it will just drive you bananas. All we can know for sure, is that we (and you) have a choice and we must accept the consequences of that choice.

Regardless of all this, God is waiting for you to return to Him. His arms are wide open. Regardless of what happen to you as a child, or why, regardless of the acceptance of your fate as a Satanist and the comfort you have with that, the fact remains that you have a choice to make today.

It is your soul and your eternity. God will not force you into His eternity. He will allow you to choose your own without Him. This is the ultimate act of the love He has for you because He allows you to be you, and not a puppet or a slave or an animal, but to be freely you, to be freely human. And if that means that you decide against Him, then so be it because to allow otherwise, to force you, would be to assault your humanity and your very being.

The choice is yours.

You will be on our prayer list hoping that you will choose differently some day.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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