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Hurricane Katrina and Evil Cathy Thursday, May 17, 2007


First I want to say I am so happy you are back. It has been two years since the hurricane, and to this day an experience from it has haunted me besides the ruin of everything I owned. By the grace of God we have come through.

I have always been fascinated by hurricanes and violent weather. It happens alot here. But the feelings of Hurricane Katrina before and after the storm made me very uneasy. We rode the storm out at a local hotel not far from home thinking it would be only a few days. I have been through storms before, but this one seemed very evil. It also felt like a great punishment.

I have always been sensitive to evil and have confronted it.

The oppressive darkness I felt during and after the storm still leaves me with nightmares to this day.

During the storm, I prayed to the Blessed Mother on the Rosary for protection. At one time, I threw myself on my knees begging God for mercy from His wrath, frightening my husband and son.

The night was pitch black and stifling hot, I was scared to death we would be killed by wandering looters. The battery operated radio had one station that broadcasted people desperately calling for help in attics and on rooftops, but until later we had no idea of the magnitude of devastation.

As I tried to sleep that night and couldn't, I would close my eyes and see horrible demonic faces laughing (no sound) but they were gleefully laughing and they were just hideous.

I tried to tell myself I was imagining things, and would open my eyes, but they were still there in the blackness of the room. Just laughing and laughing.

It was a hellish time for me to cut to the chase and I get nightmares and dream of it all over when I hear about other weather disasters.

Do you think it was demons I saw? Was God angry with us?

I hate to put you on the spot, but sharing this with one of the clergy would help me understand.


Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Cathy:

Thank you for the greetings.

I am so sorry to hear that you are one of the victims of Hurricane Katrina. That was such a terrible storm and disaster.

The experiences you are describing are symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Given what you have been through I would be surprised if you did not have PTSD. I would discuss these symptoms (nightmares at hearing about other weather disasters and the like) with your doctor, or with a doctor who has experience in dealing with PTSD.

As for the storm, the storm was the storm, and not a result of God punishing New Orleans and the other places hit by Katrina. Nor was it the devil zapping the area. The reason for the storm is purely natural and scientifically explainable.

When going through such a storm, however, it can seem like the wrath of God. The experience you had gives you some real insight in why ancient people's use to think there was a God of Storms and that storms represented God's anger. It can seem that way when confronted with the unimaginable power of a hurricane like Karina.

I have an inkling of that myself. I use to live in Wichita Falls, Texas. In 1979 there was an F5 Tornado, more the one mile wide, that swept through the city of Wichita Falls (pop. 100,000) and killed 57 people and left homeless more than 20,000. The house I use to live in was completely gone. Every tree, bush, landmark of any kind was gone. The house where I use to live received a direct hit of 290 mph winds.  The power of nature is awesome and seemingly godly in its power.

But, no, Katrina was not a judgment upon New Orleans. It was a storm, that is all.

Now, with that said, the devil has no problem coming in afterwards from a natural disaster and causing trouble (sort of like looters taking advantage of the devastation). The devil loves to come into a situation to make it worse than it has to be, or to exploit people's fears an anxieties, including the anxieties caused by PTSD.

We need to resist the devil when he tries to inspire such thoughts.

It is possible that your demonic-like experience was caused from your anxiety and PTSD, and it is possible the devil was trying to mess with you while you were in a vulnerable state.

But, I would advise you not to spiritualize this natural disaster. But I DO advise that you see a doctor about the possibility of suffering from PTSD.

If more demonic-like experiences happen, then you may want to pray from spiritual warfare prayers, or if need be contact me for a personal consultation.

We will certainly be in prayer for you and your family, and all those who suffered in Hurricane Katrina.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


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