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Empty apartment building that seems eerie Veronica Tuesday, May 22, 2007


First of all, I thank God and I thank all of you for providing valuable information in this site.

I'll give a brief background of my family. My mother - a devout Catholic - used to be bothered by unexplained things. Then she had a dream: a lady advised her to keep a crucifix in her bedroom. Since then, things became peaceful. I have a feeling that my father did not believe any of my mother's experiences. Now, my mother has passed away.

My father has just moved to a rented apartment. The building is mostly vacant because it is under renovation. Many floors are in complete darkness.

On the last two weekends, my husband and I stayed in the apartment to keep my father company. On our first night there, I thought I saw a spirit in the kitchen. At first, I thought it was my father but when I went into the kitchen, there was nobody. I did not share this experience with either my father or my husband - my husband is a non-believer. I asked my father to place blessed crucifixes in the bedrooms and living room - but not in the kitchen though.

On our second stay, both my father and my husband seemed confounded: while going to park their cars, they took the wrong turn in the huge, empty carpark even though they knew the way very well.

I read in "Need some help..." that in some cases, blessing a house may cause disturbance. Also, a priest once said that when blessing a haunted house, one could not afford to be scared: "If you are scared, you are finished". Could you please tell me what is the best thing to do.

There is good news: this morning, my father told me that the rent was too high so he wanted to find a more affordable place. But he still needs to stay there until the current rent expires.

When househunting, is there any way we can tell if the house is "clean"? Sometimes, I experienced severe headache after viewing an empty house. Could that be a sign that the house is "inhabited"?

Thank you very much.


Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Veronica:

Thank you for your kind words. I am glad our site has been helpful to you and others.

From what you describe there may be a demonic attachment in the family. Your father should pray, if he will do it, the prayer of Renouncing Ancestral Sins. You should pray this prayer too. In fact, everyone ought to pray this prayer since no one can know what his parents, grandparents, great-grandparents may have done to attract a demonic visitation.

As for a spiritual assessment of a house when househunting, I would advise prayer to ask God about the house or apartment and to ask for discernment about the presence of any nasties. Getting a headache in certain houses could be a sign of the Holy Spirit saying, stay away from this one, or it could be a reaction to cleaning chemicals or mold in the walls. Mold in the walls is enough to look for another place.

You'll need to use your good judgment, ask God for discernment, and pray about which place God wants you to have. Once you make a decision, then consider the following advice:

Once a house or apartment is secured ask a priest to formally bless the new home. I do not mean just a "bless this home" prayer, but the actual Blessing of a Home found in the Book of Blessings.

This will most likely take care of anything. If it doesn't then the next step is a specific Spiritual Warfare cleansing and blessing of the home.

If a priest will do it, saying a Mass in the home is the next step. This may not be possible since Masses are not suppose to be said outside of an appropriate place like a Church under normal circumstances. But there can be an argument for extraordinary circumstance in some cases.

By the way, it is wise to say a little blessing prayer (with holy water) of the room and the bed when staying in a motel or hotel, or for that matter even staying in the guest room of someone else's house.

Anyway, although your father may not believe in haunted houses, his decision to move may be motivated by more than the cost of rent.

In the meantime, you can bless the place with holy water, even when your father is not there, and pray for his protection. Our Hedge Prayer for Protection is a good one to use.

Finally, it is true that when blessing a house, things can happen. It is possible for things to become more intense. Of course the reason for this is in hopes that the person will stop trying to cleanse the house.

In such situations we must persevere and continue with the house cleansing and blessing over and over if necessary.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

For information on how to receive help see our Help page. We suggest that before contacting us directly for help you try the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance. These self-help steps will often resolve the problem. Also our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog contains many prayers that may be helpful. If needed you can ask for a Personal Consultation.