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Could you explain to me what a mystic is? deborah Wednesday, May 23, 2007


I have been reading many books on spiritual warfare, and books dealing with my faith. (Catholicism) I notice a lot of references to mystics of our times, what does that mean? and what exactly is a mystic? Doesn't this refer to someone who can see into the future?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Deborah:

While it is possible a God may reveal the future to a mystic that is rare and not the primary attribute. Mysticism is about a sublime and intimate relationship with God.

To quote Father Hardon's Catholic Dictionary, mysticism is:

The supernatural state of soul in which God is known in a way that no human effort or exertion could ever succeed in producing. There is an immediate, personal experience of God that is truly extraordinary, not only in intensity and degree, but in kind. It is always a result of a special, totally unmerited grace of God. Christian mysticism differs essentially from non-Christian mysticism of the Oriental world. It always recognizes that the reality to which it penetrates simply transcends the soul and the cosmos; there is no confusion between I and thou, but always a profound humility before the infinite Majesty of God. And in Christian mysticism all union between the soul and God is a moral union of love, in doing his will even at great sacrifice to self; there is no hint of losing one's being in God or absorption of one's personality into the divine.

The mystic has a sublime and personal relationship that transcends images and senses. The relationship is intuitive and direct, rather than discursive and material. Jean Gerson (1363-1429) defines mysticism as the "knowledge of God arrived at through the embrace of unifying love."

In a lessor degree anyone who lives a contemplative life may be called a mystic, but the true mystic is given a special gift of God in contemplation on the higher levels leading to Mystical Union.

Referring back to the Catholic Dictionary, Mystical Union is:

...charactized by a deep awareness of the divine presence, and has a variety of grades, not necessarily successive, but distinguished by spiritual writers [such as Sts. Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross]. They are: the two nights of the soul (sense and spirit) before mystical union, the prayer of quiet, the full union, ecstasy, and spiritual marriage or transforming union.

This mystical union cannot be "achieved". It is a gift of God that He gives to whom He pleases.

This is one reason why Centering Prayer is so offensive. In essence Centering Prayer says to God, "Hey, you did not give me the gift of infused contemplation so I am going to steal it from you with these techniques." This is not only arrogant and prideful, but delusional since no "technique" or "method" can achieve these heights of contemplation with God. (see article The Dangers of Centering Prayer).

There is much more to this, but I hope this little ditty will help.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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